{ 2 } ༄ 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐝𝐚𝐲

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𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 2
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You walked towards the huge building that everyone seemed to be going to.
You walked into the building and saw a black haired boy standing on the huge stage infront of you. 'I wonder who that might be.'
You thought to yourself.

You watched students talk to eachother until the whole place went quiet as they heard someone saying:
"Now we will have a few words from the student councils president."
'So he is the student council president.' you thought to yourself.

The boy on the stage welcomed everyone to the school and introduced himself. "I am the student council president, Horikita Manabu." He then started giving a speech about the school, "As I believe you know, our school is highly accomplished in all aspects and boasts a high employment and college entry rate.
This is the pride of our school, accomplished through the hard work of both our graduating students and those still attending. We expect the same from the new students."

After the speech everyone went to their classrooms, you were placed in class D.
'Wait, Isn't class D the lowest class? Am I really that uncapable? Damn.
How intelligent is everyone here anyway?' You asked yourself.

As you were thinking, you didn't notice you were already infront of your own classroom. You then opened the door of your classroom and went to the back of the class to take a seat. You sat next to the black haired girl.
You watched everyone chat with eachother, Splitting into groups.

'I should make a friend too, atleast.'
You then turned your head towards the black haired girl. 'She looks pretty lonely aswell.'

𝗛𝗼𝗿𝗶𝗸𝗶𝘁𝗮'𝘀 𝗽𝗼𝘃.

'Why is this girl staring at me? Does everyone in this school have some kind of staring problem?'
I turned to look at the girl with h/c hair.
"What do you want?" I said with an annoyed look on my face.
"Oh, sorry." She said as she looked away awkwardly.

"You look pretty lonely over there, why don't you go talk to any of the students?" She said as she watched the others who were all busy talking to eachother.
"That's none of your business, plus it doesn't seem like you're making an effort to make any friends, are you?" I said as I gave her a side eye.
"Guess you're pretty much right." The girl then said with a sigh.

I then turned back to read my book.
"What's your name?" She asked as she rested her head on top of the palm of her hand.
I stared at her for a second.
"My name is Horikita Suzune, what's yours?"
She was quiet for a while before she started speaking again. "...It's L/n Y/n."

𝗬/𝗻'𝘀 𝗽𝗼𝘃.

'Horikita... wait, is she the student council president's sister?!'
Suddenly a green haired boy stood infront of the class and everyone sat down as he spoke. "Everyone, may I have a moment? I was hoping we could all introduce ourselves!
The teacher hasn't arrived yet anyway." He then added.
Most people were in for an introduction. So they listened to him as he spoke.

The green haired boy then started:
"I'm Hirata Yosuke, just call me Yosuke, no need for formality.
I play all kinds of sports, I want to join this schools soccer team! Nice to meet you all!".

Then a blonde girl started:
"I'm Kushida Kikyo, and I want to be friends with everyone here!
I want to make good memories so dont be afraid to invite me anywhere!"
Everyone clapped and cheered.
'With everyone? Is that even possible?' You thought to yourself.

You then started thinking of your introduction, but you didn't really have a hobby or anything, as you thought about your introduction, your thoughts got cut as you noticed it was suddenly quiet, it's Ayanokoji's turn.
You then looked at him.
"Uh...Um..., I'm Ayanokoji Kiyotaka... uh.., I look forward to studying with you. Ah... um.., I'm not good at anything in particular. Uh, I'll work hard to get along with everyone."
He said as he looked everywhere but the students with a straight face.
Everyone stared at him in silence, after a little while they all started clapping.

You looked dumbfounded. 'He totally ruined his introduction, good thing it wasn't me there.' A red haired boy placed his feet on top of his desk and started complaining about the idea of the introductions we were doing. You felt relieved you wouldn't have to introduce yourself anymore, you did certainly not want to end up like Ayanokoji. You probably would've been even worse, and you knew that all too well.

Suddenly the teacher entered the classroom and she ordered everyone to sit down.
The teacher introduced herself to the class.
"I am Chabashira Sae and I am the homeroom teacher of class D.
There will be no changing of classes in this school, I will be responsible for you for the next three years, until you graduate.
First I'll hand out the school rule book."

'She seems pretty strict, well, what else could I expect from a class D teacher.'
She then handed out the school rule book to the people in the front row and told them to hand it to the people in their back.

"We have special rules at this school.
First, you will live in dorms, and while at school, your ability to leave campus and contact the outside world will be limited.
But don't worry, the school offers a variety of facilities.
Everything you need can be found here, including entertainment. To buy things, you will use points stored in the schools official computer system. In this school you can buy anything using points."
'Anything, huh?' You thought.
"Points are alloted on the first of each month.
One points is worth one yen. You have already been alloted 100,000 points for this month.
You checked your points.
'She's serious?' You thought as you looked at the screen of the phone you've been given by the school.
"100,000?!" Someone yelled.
"Are you serious?" Someone else said.
The teacher then said: "Are you surprised by the size of your allotment?
This school judges students based on merit.
You are attributed significant value just for being accepted here."

She then finished explaining everything.
'100,000 points each month, that's too good to be true.' You thought to yourself.
By now the sun is starting to set.
The teacher excused everyone from the classroom and then went away.
Everyone was packing up and leaving with their new found friends.

'I failed to make friends, how wonderful.' you thought sarcastically to yourself.
You then turned to your left to see Horikita talking to Ayanokoji.
Or well, bickering with him, really.
'I can try my luck with them.' You thought to yourself.
You then stood up and sat on a desk infront of horikita's desk.
"Is this some kind of one sided lovers quarrel?" You asked.
"No, it's NOT!" Horikita then yelled at me in embarrassment.
"No need to yell, jeez." You said as you sighed.
"So, how long do you know eachother?" You asked Ayanokoji in an interested manner.
"Just since today." He answered.
"We're not friends, I don't need friends!"
Horikita said in an annoyed tone.
"...Right." You said.
"Well, i'll see you guys tomorrow." You said as you jumped off of the desk you were sitting on and walked away.

You walked out of the school building and began walking towards the store. You entered the store and took a basket, you then looked around the store and took a few things you might need, such as: Toiletpaper, shampoo etc.
You then arrived at the food aisle, you were too busy looking at the food to notice a certain someone popping up behind you.

"What a coincidence" He said.
You turned around and saw Ayanokoji. "Are you here to do some shopping too?" You asked.
"Yes, I am." He said as he looked down at you with a neutral look planted on his face.
You then looked to the left and noticed a basket with free items. "Why would we need free items?" You asked curiously.
"Maybe people use their points up before the end of the month." He said as he looked at the free items aswell.
"I have a feeling we should be careful with our points." You said as you looked back at Ayanokoji. "Yes, I think so too." He said. You then took some snacks off the shelves and put them in the basket you were holding. "I'll see you tomorrow." You said as you walked towards the register to pay for your items.

You walked out of the store and noticed it was already dark. You began walking towards your apartment and opened the door. You walked in and put the bag full of snacks down on the floor and went to the bathroom to take a shower. After your shower you jumped on your bed and fell asleep.
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