Chapter 4

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What the hell is wrong with me?

The next morning I was still mad at myself for what transpired with Killian last night. I was so embarrassed that I let things get that far- that I let him get that far. Did I really have no sense of self-preservation at all?

And Killian? How was I supposed to face him after he walked out on me like that?

I covered my face in my hands.

He was the one that started it though, so the attraction had to be mutual. He couldn't fake his response- I felt it. So why did he run?

He hadn't come back home last night though. When I left for work that morning, the Escalade still wasn't on the estate. I hoped he finally decided to leave for good. It would make things so much easier.

I was finally able to focus that morning and was actually being productive, when Valene knocked on my door and then popped her head in.

No such luck.

"Mr Wolfe is here to see you." Her voice betrayed her excitement. I hadn't mentioned a word of last night to her. It would only fuel her fantasies of getting Killian and I together.

My heart sank. I wasn't ready for this. Not here.

"Tell him I'm busy." I returned to the report I was reviewing, ignoring Valene's questioning look.

"I promise not to take up too much of your time."

I looked up at the sound of Killian's voice as he stood in my doorway, Valene just over his shoulder.

He had the jacked of his navy suit swung over a broad shoulder, exposing the fitted. White shirt underneath and burgundy tie. His clothes were perfect but his eyes looked tortured, as if he hadn't slept last night either.

I sighed. I guess I had no choice.

"Can you close the door behind us, Valene?"

"Have a seat." I indicated the chair in front of me as soon as the door was closed.

Killian took the chair gracefully, crossing his leg, ankle on knee. It was the I noticed the file in his hand. My file. The only way he could have gotten it was if he came back to the house.

"You took my file." My voice rose.

"I read your file." He corrected and opened the folder andtapped the spreadsheet, "I assumed it was for me. I saw my name at the top."

I shrugged trying to play it cool.

" I wanted to discuss the business with you last night." I explained, "I heard you were asking questions around the company and I wanted you to know it was in good hands."

Killian closed the file and dropped it on my desk with a resounding thud.

"I already know you're doing a great job." He said as if even he was impressed by my performance in the company, "everyone in the company has nothing but great things to say about you. Everyone, Nila. From the mail boy to the board. That says something."

I was speechless. Humbled really. My hard work didn't go unnoticed after all.

"Thank you." My voice was filled with emotion he couldn't fail to see.

He dropped his leg to lean forward on his knees.

"I wanted to apologize for the way I've been acting towards you." He began, making me sit up straighter in my chair, "I know it's unfair of me. I've just had so much anger built up for so long.." he paused and bowed his head and I saw his fists clench, "anyway, I'm sorry."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐛𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now