98. It's Natural!

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A walk through the park isn't a walk through the park.

There, along the cracks of the path is an ant. A warrior sworn to protect its queen till its last breath or an escapee from the local mad scientist's mutation lab.

And there, perched on the bare branch is a small bird. Alone in the tree, despondent about missing the departure of its flock for the winter, never part of the group. Or perhaps it ditched the flock as soon as it could, for freedom was its ultimate goal.

What about over there? That stray cat slinking into the bush. Could it be a rebel shape-shifter, hiding, waiting for the right time to pounce in front of me and reveal a world of magic?

Or could the ant be a tracker and the bird a spy, both working under the employ of an immortal trapped for eons in the body of a cat?

A walk through the park is hardly ever just a walk through the park for this here writer.


Thank you, @errlimawrites for inspiring this snippet

Fellow writers, do you find that a walk in the park or just being in nature helps fuel your creativity? Or does being in nature help your mind still for a moment? And fellow readers, do you like to read in nature, perhaps in a park or a garden, or even at the beach?

Thank you so much for reading!

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