12 - Just two bystanders

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The two of them had followed Katsuki Bakugou since they were children. But you wouldn't call them childhood friends because Katsuki Bakugou only had one childhood friend. That was Izuku Midoriya. Too bad the three of them bullied him every single day. Though the two of them began to notice something... odd. 

As much as Katsuki would complain about Izuku always following him around, he acted even more irritated and annoyed when he wasn't. They watched all of the times Katsuki would glare at anyone who even talked to Midoriya. They saw the lingering touches between the two of them, and the way Katsuki's gaze would soften when his eyes landed on the other boy. 

Even the times that Katsuki would steal something from him, and they would find it in Katsuki's backpack or in his room, showcased like a prize. It was so frequent that they worried katsuki might be...


They were both walking to their classes before school actually started so they could be in the classroom. They wanted to play on their switches beforehand. One of them stops and forces the other one against the wall. 

"Dude what the fuck-" 

"Shut up! Bakugou and Midoriya are over there..." 

The two of them look ahead from their hiding place to watch. Izuku is against the locker, Katsuki pushing him so he can't leave. Its empty in the halls and there is no one around. Katsuki grins at Izuku, who is red in the face. 

"K-Kacchan we can't do this here..." 

Katsuki leans closer to his face. 

"Why not Deku? No one else is around, we'll be fine." 

Izuku sighs and wraps his arms around Katsuki's neck and mutters something in Katsuki's ear. He turns stiff and his face turns red. He stammers and Izuku slips out of his hold, walking off. Katsuki stands there for a couple of seconds, his face still red. The other two glance at each other, shocked. Katsuki finally walks away and the two of them stop hiding, staring blankly at each other.

The next day, Katsuki and the two of them walk through the halls, pushing past people. There is a small group around Midoriya's locker. The two of them see the way Katsuki's hand twitches with the urge to blow something up and they all merge into the group, Katsuki shoving his way to the front. 

"-I like you Midoriya-Kun..." 

A girl gives Izuku a envelop and rushes away, some people of the group following.

"What was that?" 

"A girl just confessed to Midoriya..."  

Katsuki lets out a loud explosion, making all of the other people in the area scream and back up. He says nothing, even when his and Midoriya's gaze meet. The other two follow him, quickly trying to keep up with Katsuki's fast pace. 

The next day, the two of them are early again. 

"Hey, did you see the new-" 

He is interrupted by a loud explosion, a sound the both of them know very well. They both pop their heads out from the corner to see what's going on. Katsuki has his hand slammed above the girl's head, towering above her. He talks loud enough for the two of them to hear. The girl is shaking, scared out of her mind. 

"Listen you bitch. I saw the shit you pulled yesterday and I'm not gonna let it fucking slide. You take your ass over to Deku, tell him what you said was a mistake and that you didn't mean any of it. And if you don't, ill blow your fucking head off. This is a fucking warning," 

Katsuki takes his other hand and grips the girl's arm, burning the skin under his palm. The girl lets out a scream and her knees grow weak, making her fall to the ground. Katsuki's eyes shine and he lets go, letting out some more menacing pops of light. 

"And if you tell anyone about this, the next thing I'm burning is your body you useless extra." 

He walks away, hands in his pockets. They watch as the girl sits there sobbing. They both turn on their heels, walking away from her. 

This was none of their business and no one saw them there. So, they were safe right? What everyone else doesn't know can't hurt them. Unless they try and get with Izuku while Katsuki is still alive. 

Random Yandere One Shots Vol. 3Where stories live. Discover now