Rurik enveloped me in a hug, settling himself between my legs that were hanging off the edge of the countertop. One hand continued to rub my back while the other caressed my curly hair.

"I will never allow him to hurt you again," he whispered with a voice filled with emotion. "If you need me, even as just a friend, I'm here for you. Ok?"

I nodded, shutting my eyes tightly as I tried to savor the feeling of being safe...for what could be the last time.

Just then, a loud crash came from the living room. Rurik immediately released me from our intimate embrace and sprinted away. I slid off the counter with my heart racing, following closely behind.

Oh God. They broke in. Daniel. Where is Daniel?!

We both burst into the living room, looking around frantically and expecting the worst.

But the door was still securely locked. No windows were broken. There were no signs of forced entry. The doorbell camera revealed that Alejandro and Lara were gone.

....And Daniel was climbing the entertainment center, trying to reach the tv remote. He had accidentally knocked over the chair he'd used to gain some leverage. I sank to the floor in tears, so relieved I could literally feel the tension pouring out of my body.

Thank. God.

Rurik gently helped Daniel get down from his climb and placed him in my arms. In under an hour, I'd already had multiple near heart attacks. If I was paranoid before, I knew it would only get worse.

"Mama, I watch tv!" Daniel pleaded with a pout.
He was very clearly my son, using my distracted state to his advantage. Despite my pounding heart and still-present anxiety, I had to smile.

"No, baby. We were getting ready for bed, remember? Let's go finish your book, and then Rurik and I will tuck you in, ok?" Rurik smiled gratefully at me before heading towards the couch, and Daniel wriggled against me, now eager to sit on Rurik's lap. I took another calming breath and was just about to join Daniel and Rurik on the couch when the doorbell rang again.

Wtf! I can't catch a fucking break tonight!!!

I didn't even want to answer the door. Was that Alessandro this time? What if Lara had been lying? What if she had only given me a 10 minute warning??

Rurik and I shared worried glances. I whimpered, imagining the chaos and pain that would ensure if Alessandro was indeed on the other side of that door. Rurik was tall, muscular, and fit; I knew he'd do anything to keep Alessandro from trying to drag me and Daniel back to California.

But Alessandro was unpredictable. Ruthless. And likely extremely pissed.

The doorbell rang again. Followed by loud knocking. Rurik slowly got up from the couch, looking at me with a clear message in his eyes: Let me handle this.

I gulped and nodded a little, my body trembling. Rurik walked past me towards the door, now showing no signs of fear. His fists were clenched tightly and his eyes burned with silent fury.

I had to admit it was a little sexy...

I shrank back and grabbed Daniel, holding him tightly against my chest as I waited for Rurik to answer the door. Every second was agonizing at this point, as I prepared myself for the upheaval Alessandro would bring to our quiet life.

Finally, the door opened. I held my breath as I strained to hear the voice from the front door.

"Hey, I am so sorry I'm late! Your neighborhood is surrounded by black vehicles. I couldn't get inside."

The babysitter. Duh.

Our first date night had already been long forgotten. And now I needed to explain to the poor babysitter that we no longer needed her. There was absolutely no chance I was leaving my son with anyone right now.

I rarely drank after Daniel was born, but suddenly, I needed to finish this freaking bedtime story, get my child in bed and drink.

Rurik and Freyja walked into the living room, making casual introductions. Rurik looked up at me with apologetic eyes. This date night had been a massive fail, with no chances of a redo anytime soon, and we both knew it.

"Freyja, I'm so sorry. We had some...unexpected visitors, and now I have to cancel the date night. I'll still pay you for coming out here though." The poor girl looked like she'd had a hell of a time driving here.

"Oh my, I am so sorry to hear that! Today has been bad for all of us, huh? Do you know why so many large, black vehicles are blocking the entrances to your neighborhood, Malia??"

Rurik and I locked eyes again. His apologetic expression once again turned to one of protectiveness and fury.

"No," I lied, still looking into Rurik's eyes. "No...I have no idea."

Hide and Seek: Married to My Master Part 2Where stories live. Discover now