She said with so much emotion, that Hiro wasn't sure how to take it. He turned away, even when Kisa confirmed and wrapped her arms around Audrina's neck for a hug. The woman returned the gesture before looking to her side at Hiro.

"Hiro?", he jerked at the called for his name, still facing away.

"Yea...... whatever", and the hint of softness to his tone was enough for Audrina to know her message was clear. And she felt her chest tighten at the thought of pulling in him a hug just as she did Kisa. It was the small things that made herself think back to the situation.

Akito, heard all that she said. Knew she meant it. Knew it applied to everyone. What she was having trouble was connecting that same concept for herself. She wouldn't believe it until she heard it.

She's done so much to Audrina throughout her entire life. Since she was first introduced, she's made it up in her mind to keep her away. Shun her. And now, seeing the way she was talking with the rest of the Zodiacs. It's not just guilt that tugged her heart, it was guilt and regret.

So much regret. That it pained her.

"Are you staying here today?", Kisa asked.

Audrina shook her head, acknowledging the disappointed look on the little girls face, "But,
mostly everyone is at my place if you'd like to come back with me."

She smiled as Kisa nodded, and she knew automatically when Kisa agreed, Hiro would follow.

"Ok, now go back to your parents and let them know where you'll be. I'll come and get you soon."

It was at that point Audrina felt someone behind her. She had to get them away for this conversation, she didn't feel she was prepared for. As the sound of footsteps in the group diminished, slower, cautious steps came from behind her.

"I don't bite.", she leaned back tilted her head. Akito froze when she met her face. Shying away quickly as if she was caught in a guilty act.

There was so much to say. So much to apologize for, but the same resin she didn't do it for the other Sohma's, Akito deciddd it'd be best to leave it out.

Sorry is a strong word but in their case, the big stressing point was time. Lost time of Audrina's life, time that some didn't even get to have. It was more than just sorry and both of them knew that.

"I d-don't", Akito started, her voice ever so soft, "I don't know where to start."

Audrina frowned, seeing the distress. There was no way they'd be able to get through with it comfortably. Such a sensitive topic that was thought be done, was still very intrusive in her own life.

"Sit down", she hummed, pointing to the spot next her, "I can start."

Akito did so. Hesitating to move she decided to curl into herself, resting her chin on top of her knees. Audrina sat up straight, staring out at the open space of the estate. No one was walking around as they usually would.

She has yet run into run any of the maids, and she'd be frank to say she didn't want to. They were just another terrible carrier of bad memories. Another reminder that she wasn't wanted. She doesn't know how differently they'd act, or if Akito told them anything.

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