Locked in (Crimeboys)

Start from the beginning

Wilbur.. he needs Wilbur.

He shakily grabs his phone from the floor, his eyes barely able to focus on it as he holds it up in front of his face. Luckily, he uses Face ID and it recognises him immediately. With his other hand, he uses his pointer finger to press on the phone app, pressing the first contact he has saved on his favourites list.

The phone rings. He places it onto the floor next to him on loudspeaker.

'Hi, you've reached Will Gold. I can't answer your call right now so make sure to leave a message after the beep.'

He hangs up before the beep finishes. His vision blurs. God he's so stupid, it's past twelve am, Will's probably asleep. Tears fall down his face at a fast pace. Broken sobs ring out.

He doesn't want to be stuck here. He wants an escape. Needs an escape. He- he-


He quickly blinks his tears away, reaching for the phone as fast as he can and pressing the accept button.

"Hey? Tommy? What's up man?" Wilbur's voice croaks, clearly, he's just woken up.

"W-Will? Will... I- I-" Tommy gulps, desperately trying not to break down into sobs. He shouldn't have called Wilbur and woken him up. It's not a big deal- honestly, he's a big man, he can- he can- he'll be fine. Just- just a stupid fear. He- he'll...

It doesn't take long for the wall he tried to build up in a matter of seconds, to break. More tears leak from his eyes as desperate sobs leave his mouth. He can taste the saltiness of his tears as some roll into his mouth.

"Tommy- Toms!? Are you okay?! What's- talk to me! What's wrong?!" Wilbur's voice pleads, worry in his tone. But Tommy can't. He doesn't know what to say. He can't even calm himself down enough to be able to think of what to say.

He keeps sobbing, wanting Will to come save him. But he can't and Will can't. He can't tell Will that, let alone tell Will where he is. Tommy- he needs him. Needs his big brother to save him from this enclosed box. A box with no escape.

"Toms, I need you to breath for me. I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong sweetheart." Will says softly, trying his best to calm Tommy down, although he's panicking internally. What if Tommy's hurt? Wilbur needs to get to him. To help and comfort him.

As the nickname leaves Wilbur's mouth, Tommy instantly begins to come to his senses. He needs to be calm. Calm to he can talk to Will. Calm to Will can help him. Calm.

Tommy closes his eyes as he did before. He repeats the same breathing exercise. Tears still fall from his eyes and his bottom lip still trembles, but now, he isn't sobbing. He lets hiccups replace the loud sobs. He listens to the warm words of comfort coming through the phone.

"It's okay, I'm here sunshine. Can you talk to me now, love?" Will says gently. Tommy can tell by all the shuffling coming from Will's side of the call, that he's gotten out of bed and is most likely putting shoes on.

"Yeah- yeah, I- I think I can do that." Tommy replies shakily.

"Alright good. Can you tell me where you are, sweetie?" Tommy flushes slightly at all the adoring nicknames he's receiving. He clears his throat before replying.

"Yeah, I'm at t- the office. B-but I... I-" His voice cracks as his eyes begin to water again. He quickly blinks always the tears before they can start dribbling down his face. God, why is it so hard to tell him.

"It's okay sweetheart. That's a start." Wilbur says softly in relief. "I'll be there soon, but-" Before Wilbur can continue, Tommy starts panicking. Is Wilbur going to hang up? He- he can't. He can't leave me.

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