Blair Bitch Project

Start from the beginning

Nick's POV:
Nate and I waited at the entrance of Constance to get to Jenny before she went off to lunch with Blair's old friends. "Hey, Jenny. Can we talk to you for a second?" I asked her as she was talking with Penelope and Hazel. "I'll meet up with you guys, ok?" She told the girls as she walked over to Nate and I.

"Hey, so I may have told Blair you told me about her and Chuck." I confessed to her. "And we're sure she didn't react well to that. But you don't know what you're dealing with here." Nate warned her. "Nate, Nick, I'm not scared of Blair." Jenny told us. "We're talking about your new circle." I corrected her.

"They've been friends with Blair forever and look what they're doing to her." I pointed out to her. "When you fall out of line what do you think's gonna happen to you?" Nate questioned her, trimming to get her to think about the choices she was making. "Well, then I won't fall out of line." Jenny declared. "You're not like those girls Jenny." I told her. "That's weird, Nick, since they're my friends you'd think we'd have some stuff in common." Jenny defended. "Okay." Nate said as he gently pulled me by my shoulder,, seeing that we were getting nowhere with Jenny. "Well, I will give you this, you've got good aim." So we left Jenny with her thoughts, hoping that sooner than later she'd come to her senses.

Cat's POV:
"Look we know this is hard for you, B, but you can't let them beat you. You're Blair Waldorf, remember?" Serena said as we had lunch on the Met steps. "Right, these are my steps and I'm not going to relinquish them with out a fight." Blair decided. "Though, it would help if there was one more person in our crowd." Blair said as she took in our surroundings. "There's only old people, children, and ugh... Chuck and Blonde Mini Chuck." I looked over to see Eric hanging with Chuck, wearing his own scarf around his neck.

"He's trying to torture me." Serena stated. "Or he could just be excited at the idea of having a little brother." I suggested. "I can't believe it. Does Little J actually think she's anything but their lackey?" Blair said as we saw Jenny walk over to the Blair wannabe squad.

"At least you were upfront about making her your lackey." I told Blair. "She's been acting seriously delusional about this whole thing. Especially since they're taking her out to Socialista for her birthday tomorrow night." "So Jenny Humphrey is officially being inscribed on the A-list. Wait, how did you find out about this?" Blair said. "They invited us," Serena admitted. "But I said no out of deference to you." "I said no out of loyalty to you, disgust to Jenny's circle of friends, and hatred for Penelope constantly making eyes at Nate when she knows he's my boyfriend." I informed her. "Besides, Serena's doing the Humphrey Birthday dinner with the four of us anyway."

"How do you two manage get out of everything unscathed." Blair asked us incredulously. "I'm Little J's big sister." I pointed out. "And we're nice. You should try it sometime." "Yeah, come on. Compliment me. Tell me my hair looks beautiful." Serena suggested. "But your hair looks like a rat's nest." I told her. "Cat's right, it's disgusting. Did you even shower?" Blair said.

"Okay, I'm glad you two are bonding, but and 8 says this out of love B, but your being a bitch is what got dairy in you hair in the first place, okay? Be nice and neutral, things will swing back to normal." Serena said. "Serena's right." I said in agreement. "You're the Queen B, so you should just let nature take its course."

And suddenly I began to smell trouble, because when I looked over to Blair's former followers, I saw Jenny walking over our way. "What is she doing?" Blair asked as Jenny came closer to us. "She's giving you the perfect opportunity for niceness." Serena said, ever the optimist.

"Serena, I know that you're doing something with Dan tonight. And Cat, I know you have rehearsals, but, Blair, we're all going to Butter, and I was wondering if you wanted to join us?" Jenny asked, but I could smell the set up from a mile away.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2023 ⏰

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