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LB's pov.

"Yeah... I can't believe that! So you and Kanye decided to divorce officially, legally?" It's next day after coming back in rio. Harry and twins are in the garden, playing with ball. Kim called me as we usually do and asked if they could bring cameras later, at the dinner. We decided to do that in Paris, instead of rio. Because Neymar, Messi everyone will be there... "I was thinking about 818, we can use kendalls brand on Christmas, you know world's most famous people are going to be there."

"Kylie thinks about matching dresses but I don't know if she'll ask you. It stays as an idea for now."

Kims evil devil smile is something that I love but , also hate it so much. It means 'girllyyy let's talk about neyyy' "So, how is our footballer future husband???" She asked with a original Libra expression, icon herself.

See! I told you! And I was telling the truth!

"Huh, since when are you supporting the man I'm dating?" Teasing? Me? Of course not! Hah! Kims face says everything!

"What do you mean? I like footballers!" She said while smiling and north entered on the screen. "Hiii Liza!"

"Hii! How are you Northyee?" I asked smiling so warmly. Auntie LB in action.

"Is Neymar really hot?" My eyes widened and almost left orbits.

"Gurl, what?! You are kid!" I say and look at Kim who is also shocked like me. "I hope , your for you isn't Neymar or Cristiano Ronaldo jr.!"

"Oh my goodness, North! He is really perfect, but you are young! Don't say something like this at the party!"  She said and we all laughed.  This teenagers...

"I was shocked at first, but you know what? She's Kanye Wests daughter, his twin . nothing unexpected!" I replied and we died in laughter. Kim was removing her tears and got serious again. "No, really. How is my favorite ex from all of your exes doing?"

"Well, what can I say, he hasn't changed a bit. He is so sweet and so good with twins, he acts like they are his kids. Also, Carolina said Davi Lucca and Sebby and Steve looked a like! Davi had good time with me. Are you alone?"

"Huh... yeah, neither cameras nor kids are here, tell me what is wrong!"

"We had sex."

Her face screamed 'no way!' She's too stunned to talk! "Whaatt?! Oh my goodness! That's... that's crazy!"

"You look so happy, I have feeling like he had it with you."

"Girl, shut up! He's made for you and you are made for him. My favorite couple for ever!"

"Everyone is telling me that we are their favorite couple. Where were you back in January 2015  huh?!"

"Probably posting nude selfie..."

"And after that you are my close friend?!" Libra goddess mood is on, we had laughing seasons. We talked for about an hour and then Chi Chi came with tears so Kim and I ended our conversation. 

I found some of the messages, which I wasn't expecting. I am not on the mood so they need to wait. I called Rafaella after trying to talk to neymar. I know he feels destroyed, too destroyed to explain with words. He told me to leave him alone for two days and he also agreed about coming in New York with Rafaella too. I will introduce them to RDJ. Because Robert is like my father, he's in NYC, so I will try to help Neymar by my tricks.fashion week is coming and  Donatella Versace is my close friend, I'm her favorite and whole world talks about it. She calls me goddess of Versace, main goddess. We decided me to walk on that catwalk, We have always practiced about my walk, we are doing it since 2014. I was so young.

Ex boyfriend( moth to the flame) //Neymar jrWhere stories live. Discover now