The Support

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"Are you okay?"

She looked up at Jin's concerned face. Since Yoongi had dragged Namjoon out of the room, she had been lost in her head.

"I'm okay."

Jin gave her a look.


"I - No... I don't think I'm ready to talk to him."

Jin put one hand on her shoulder.

"Then you don't have to. If he gives you any trouble, Oppa will sort him out, okay?"

His words made her break out into a small smile, as was intended. She nodded and he ruffled her hair.

When Yoongi and Namjoon returned, the leader didn't have time to approach her as they started rehearsal straight away.

Their Japanese album was being released at the end of the week and then in a few more, they would be heading there for the last part of their world tour.

That doesn't mean that Namjoon didn't try to approach her. During rehearsal, Hoseok would direct him back into position with the comment that he had to catch up since he missed yesterday's rehearsal due to his suddenly extended stay in America.

When they took a break, Jin, Yoongi and her were discussing a particularly tricky part of the choreography that she and Jin kept messing up when Namjoon tried again.

He was immediately stopped by Jimin standing in his way. The leader raised an eyebrow and went to go around the dancer when Taehyung and Jungkook joined him. With the three standing side by side with their arms crossed, the leader sighed before turning and moving to the opposite side of the room.

Afterwards, she managed to escape to her studio. Locked away in her safe space, she tried to figure out where her head was at, but all that did was get her worked up. Instead, she tried to calm herself down.

Taking some deep breaths she calmed down enough that she decided to try and focus on work instead. It took a few failed attempts of fiddling about on her computer and noting down and scratching our lyrics before she leaned back in her chair with a sigh.

She had just decided to do some singing practice when there was a knock at the door. She tensed up. She wasn't expecting anyone. Could it be him?

Slowly making her way towards the door, she took a deep breath before opening the door. Upon seeing Namjoon standing in her doorway she froze. All she could think about was the last time they were alone.

Before she could slam the door closed a voice cut through her panicked mind.


They both turned as Jungkook came running down the corridor and slipped past Namjoon to stand between them.


The Maknae gave her a hug so that he could whisper in her ear.

"I saw him heading your way and chased after him. Do you want me to get rid of him?"

Jungkook pulled back to look at her as he waited for her answer.

When the youngest had arrived, she had unconsciously grabbed his arm and Namjoon had noticed. He had also since the panicked and fearful look she had given him when she opened her door.

She was afraid of him. The leader felt sick. Perhaps Yoongi was right, there was no way he could fix this.

"I'm so sorry. What I did was inexcusable. I don't expect you to forgive me, in fact, you should hate me. All I ask is that you give me a chance to explain, for the sake of the group. I couldn't live with myself if my actions caused damage to BTS."

Jungkook eyes were wide as he looked between his leader and his Noona. He held his breath as he waited to see what she would decide. The fate of BTS was currently in her hands.

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