The Youngest

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Her studio was where she spent a lot of her time. So far it had been a space just for her, no one else had even been inside. Until one day when there was a knock at her door. At first, she didn't hear it, then she thought she was mistaken, but when there was a consistent thumping she went to investigate.

The three youngest members of BTS were waiting on the other side of the door. She stared at them in surprise as they all smiled brightly at her.

"Hello, Noona. I hope we're not interrupting?"

"Uh, hi. What's up?"

"We wanted to hear some of your work!"

"You said you would show us, Noona."

"Hey, only I can call her Noona!"

"Why? She's older than all three of us."

"Because... because she only said that I could."

"Fine. Can I call you Noona too?"


She looked between the pouting Taehyung and the frowning Jungkook. How was she supposed to get out of this?

Thankfully, Jimin cut in.

"Ignore those two. So, can we come in?"

"Uh, yeah, sure."

Seeing the three of them make themselves comfortable on her sofa was odd, but she didn't dislike the company. It had been a little while since the game night at their apartment and she had started to wonder if it had just been a one-time thing.

"What are you working on?"

She glanced at her computer screen which Taehyung was looking at curiously.

"Oh, it's one of the songs for our album."

"Ooh! Is it the one you worked on with Namjoon-Hyung?"

"Yeah, I'm working on his suggestions."

"He really enjoyed working with you, you know."

Jimin discreetly elbowed Taehyung before whispering to him.

"I don't think you were meant to tell her that."

"Anyway... Do you have any finished songs you can show us, Noona?"

"Let me have a look."

She looked through all the songs she had written. A lot of them weren't perfect or were from when she first started making music, so she ruled them out. In the end, she picked one of the songs she was most proud of. It was her go-to example when she needed to show her work.

As it played, she bit her lip as she watched the boys' reactions.

"This is the one you sang in the competition!"

"What? How did you know that?"

"I might have watched some of the show?"

Jimin reached over and smacked the Maknae on the arm.

"Jungkookie! Why didn't you tell us?"

"Yeah, we want to watch too!"

The youngest didn't even react to being hit on the arm but looked surprised at the other two boys' words.

"Oh, well, I've only watched the first episode where they introduce and rank everybody. We can watch the rest together."

"Shall we ask the Hyungs if they want to watch too?"

She listened to the boys' conversation in horror.

"No! Please don't watch it."

"Why not, Noona?"

"Because it's embarrassing."

"Really? Well, we're definitely going to watch it now."

The other two boys burst out laughing at Taehyung's comment, while she groaned in despair.

"Can we go and get food now, Hyungs?"

"That's our Jungkookie, always hungry."

"I'm hungry too, Jiminie."

"Okay, okay, let's go."

The boys stood up and started towards the door, but Jungkook stopped making the other two crash into the back of him.

"Wait, Noona, do you want to come to?"


"Yes, have you eaten?"

"Uh, no. I haven't."

"Come on then."

Bewildered that they wanted to spend more time with us, she slowly got up and followed them out of her studio. She was stuck between enjoying their company and wondering what game they were playing now. Giving them the benefit of the doubt, she decided not to overthink their actions.

What made them change their minds about me?

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