The Frustration

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The same night, the boys of BTS had insisted on helping her move at least her essentials from her apartment to her new room.

When Jin woke up the next morning, he found her in the kitchen cooking breakfast.

"Morning! I made breakfast I hope that's okay."

"Morning... are those pancakes?"

"Yep! Oh, wait, you probably don't usually have a western-style breakfast, do you... I could make something else?"

"What? No, no, this is great. You know the young ones will eat anything as long as they don't have to cook."

She laughed.


"Thank you for cooking. You didn't have to. It's usually my job."

"I don't mind. I like cooking."

Jin smiled and nodded as he watched her cook. He was a little taken aback. He had plans to cook a special breakfast for her first morning with them. Cooking for his members was a way he could show that he cared, so he wanted to do that for her too. Now, he wasn't sure what to do.

The next day in rehearsals, Jimin realised that he had forgotten his water bottle. He and Taehyung were fighting over Taehyung's water bottle when she got something out of her bag.

"Is this yours? I saw it on the table this morning and brought it with me just in case."

Jimin thanked her and took his water bottle. She smiled and walked away, leaving the two boys to stare at each other. They were supposed to be looking after and doing nice things for their new member, and instead, she was cooking them breakfast and making sure they had everything they needed. How were they ever going to make it up to her?

The rest of the week continued this way. Every chance the boys had to do something nice for her, was overshadowed by her doing something thoughtful for them instead. Now that she had moved in with them, they saw a lot more of her. She would bring them drinks and snacks while Jin or the 95's were playing video games, or to Namjoon and Yoongi when they were working at home.

Before they knew it, the day of their comeback/debut had arrived. The boys were a little nervous as they weren't sure how their fans would react to them having a new member. However, she was freaking out, not that she let it show, but on the inside, she was wondering if all of this had been a horrible idea.

They were waiting at the side of the stage only a few minutes before it would be their turn. The atmosphere was alit with tense anticipation. Over the past week, they had gelled well as a group, and they were confident in their performance. However, they knew how many people would be watching this, ready to criticise or hoping to be amazed.

"Oh no."

"Namjoon-Hyung? What's wrong?"

"I'm pretty sure I just ripped something."

Jin looked over the leader carefully and found a small rip by the seam of his thigh.

"Now is not the time to go all Hulk on us, Joon."

"Haha. What am I going to do?! We don't have time to get one of the stylist Noonas."

"It's small. You'll be fine Hyung."

"I can fix it."

The boys all turned to her.

"You can?"

"With what? We don't have a needle or thread."

"My bag please, Manager-nim."

Her manager held her bag while she rummaged around before pulling out a sewing kit. The boys watched in awe as she approached Namjoon and began sewing up the hole in his trousers.

"Is there anything you can't do?"

Before she could answer they were called on the stage.

"Ask me that again after this is over. Bangtan?"

"Bangtan Bangtan Bang Bangtan!"

"Let's do this!"

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