The 93-line

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"Did you speak to Yibo earlier?"

She and Yoongi were hanging out in her room. Cat videos were playing in the background on the TV because it was either that or sports as Yoongi chose.


Yoongi turned to look at her when she sighed.

"Is everything okay?"

"It's just hard, being so far apart."

"Of course, it is, but it's worth it right?"

"Definitely. It's just..."

"What's wrong?"

"He's... worried about me."

"Worried? Why?"

"He thinks - it's stupid really, but he thinks Namjoon likes me. I told him he was wrong, there's no way..."

Yoongi was worried after his conversation with Namjoon earlier and now hearing that Yibo wasn't blind to the leader's feelings only made him more so.

"Does it seem like such an impossibility?"

"Well, yes. He's Kim Namjoon, RM, leader of BTS, and I'm just... me."

"You who's dating the hottest Idol in China."

"Okay, when you put it like that..."

They both chuckled.

"But Yibo... Yibo's just Yibo to me. Of course, I know he's crazy talented and everything, but even though I was a fan of him before I met him... it's just different."

"I see. Then how do you think of Namjoon?"

"Don't get me wrong, a year ago I would've jumped at the chance. He's smart, funny, talented, and cute, but now... he's my leader, my mentor."

"Wasn't Yibo your mentor?"

"Yes... but that was in a competition, and you know, he told me that he gave me those extra lessons just so that he could spend more time with me!"


"Yeah... So, anyway, I respect Namjoon and admire him, but he's... in a different world to mine? Does that make sense?"

"Do you still not feel like part of the group?"

"No! That's not - I mean, it is only temporary, so in a way, in a big way, I'm not."

Yoongi didn't know what to say to that. Although they had known she would only be with them for a year, the time had passed a lot faster than expected. That made them, now more than ever, wish that they had acted differently in the beginning. All that time was wasted.

"Do you know what you're going to do, after?"

"Not really? Solo work? Go back home?"

"Go back to China?"

"Maybe... hopefully. It's months away."

Her phone buzzed and when she checked it a silly smile appeared on her face.

"I'm guessing that's him?"

"Yep. 'Here's your proof.' Proof? What does that mean?"

Yibo had sent her a video, but when she played it, she wasn't prepared for what she saw. It was a video of him dancing and she hoped that this wasn't for a show because she didn't want anyone else to see her boyfriend this way.

After the video finished, she received a series of messages.

What do you think?

Handsome. ✔️

Talented. ✔️

Sexy. ✔️

Sweet dreams. x

"You've got a little bit of drool, just there."

She was bright red as she whacked Yoongi on the arm, who just laughed in response.

"I'll leave you to enjoy your boyfriend."

The cushion she threw at him hit the door as Yoongi closed it quickly behind him.

Picking up her phone she wriggled down in her bed until she was comfy and watch the video again.

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