The Turn

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"And then Noona got up and danced with Yibo. It was amazing! When they moved together, it was like they were connected or something -"


The Maknae didn't hear his name being called and carried on talking with a wistful look on his face.

"I wish he was staying longer so he could teach me some moves. I hope he visits Noona again soon."

"That's enough! It's time to focus."

His leader's shout finally got Jungkook's attention and he stared wide-eyed for a moment in shock at being shouted at in anger like that. It wasn't often that his Hyungs got angry with him anymore.

"Oh, sorry, Namjoon-Hyung."

Jungkook leant back in his seat and looked down as he fiddled with his fingers quietly. Taehyung linked his arm through the Maknae's and rested his head on the younger boy's shoulder. As he comforted the youngest, he glanced over at Namjoon and wondered what had caused the leader to snap like that.

They were in their dressing room backstage getting ready for their next concert.

Jin and Yoongi walked in.

"Hoseok was just telling us about your dance session with Yibo. Our dance leader seemed very impressed. Did you have fun?"

Jungkook glanced over at Namjoon before nodding in reply, but Taehyung had no fear about speaking up.

"Kookie was just telling us that he hopes Yibo can teach him some moves."

"Yah! I can teach you some moves!"

"Sure, Jin-Hyung."

"You don't think I have moves?"

"Next time we're in the studio you can show me."

"This can't wait. I'll show you!"

Jin started dancing.

"Maybe the one we should ask Yibo to show some moves to is Jin-Hyung."

The younger members giggled.

"That's enough playing around! Do I have to tell you again, Jungkook?"

"Sorry, Namjoon-Hyung."

"Hold on. What's the problem, Joon?"

"We're about to perform. We should be staying focused on getting ready."

"I am. I'm warming up."

"We're supposed to be professionals."

"Woah, come on, that's not fair."

Jin and Yoongi were frowning and glaring at Namjoon. Taehyung and Jungkook watched their Hyungs wearily.

"Why's it so quiet in here?"

She walked into what almost seemed like a standoff between their leader and the two oldest members, while the youngest sat curled up together on the sofa. Jungkook looked at her with wide fearful eyes.

"What's going on?"

"Ask Namjoon. He's the one with the problem."

"Problem? I don't have a problem. I'm just sick of hearing about Wang Yibo and his oh-so-wonderful dancing skills."

Everyone in the room watched as their leader stormed out of the room.

After Namjoon was gone, she sat beside Jungkook and checked that the two youngest were okay as they looked a little rattled. She stroked his head as the Maknae leant it on her shoulder.

"What happened?"

"I was just talking about our dance session with Yibo and Hyung started shouting."

Her eyes wandered to the door Namjoon had left through. She had an inkling of what this was about, but she hoped that she was wrong and the leader was just having a bad day. However, if she was right, she was the only one who could fix it.

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