"Typical Anthony" I shook my head

"Let us go" he said taking my hand in his and leading the way

When we got where everyone else was sitting and waiting patiently, they all looked at Anthony and I sporting the same facial expression. 

"Bridgerton, I do not think you can impregnate her while she's already carrying. You seem not to give this poor woman a break" Says Simon 

"It is she-" Benedict starts to say before Anthony interjected 

"We were not having sex"Defends my husband 

"What is sex?" Asks Hyacinth 

"It's something you won't know about for a very long time" Says Lady Bridgerton which resulted in Eloise snorting 

"Eloise, I would advise you to keep quiet" Interjects Collin

"Family; Addison has something to say" Cuts in Benedict

Slowly, I walked to the middle of the room looking at everyone's face. I took a deep breath and decided to let it flow. 

"Now as most of you in the room know, I am not from here" I began "I am from the Caribbean... but not just the Caribbean, a different time as well" I said now using my authentic accent earning a few gasps 

"A different time?" Questions Daphne 

"Yes as in a different era. I came from the year 2022..." I answered 

"That's not even possible" Chuckles Eloise "Are you playing some silly joke on us Addison?" She asks in disbelief 

"Eloise, I promise I didn't mean no harm" I shook my head 

"Traveler" Says Lady Bridgerton with a small smile looking towards Lady Danbury with a knowing look

"Traveler indeed" Answers Lady Danbury 

"W-what? Like the folks lore?" Asks Collin 

"Like the folks lore" Concluded Lady Danbury 

"Why is it now you choose to tell us dearest?" Asks Lady Bridgerton 

"Well" I sighed " I am to return to my timeline soon and I thought-"

"How soon?" Eloise asks standing 

"In three days" I said earning gasps and chatter at this revelation

"So soon?" Asks Lady Danbury "Why?" 

"Well. I-I" I began before Mr. Hargreaves interjected 

"To help you all understand, I too shall be returning back home to my time I am a traveler as well. I had already made peace with this time; as you all know my wife has passed away, there is nothing left in this era for me and Mrs. Bridgerton here is accompanying my return home to make amends and part ways with her own family in a proper manner" He says

"In a proper manner?" Asks Lady Danbury 

"I ended up here without getting in any goodbyes. To them I'm probably dead or missing" I say "I shall return to tell them I am okay and everything is well with me and I am now married; but once my businesses at home are done, I shall find my way back here" I said 

"So there is no guarantee you shall return?" Ask Francesca "Please tell me otherwise" 

"We are trying to find a loophole, something to tie me back to this time to Anthony" I answered her 

"What about the child?" Asks Katherine, oh my dear Katherine 

"I-I don't know" I said lowly "I am unsure if he or she can travel back here" I sighed 

The Viscount and The Traveler|| Anthony BridgertonWhere stories live. Discover now