It had only been about four days since she walked out of his apartment and his life, but it was embarrassing how badly she was holding up. They had gone longer than four days without seeing each other before, so she didn't know why it was so much worse this time around.

She wondered if it was hitting her so hard because she had finally accepted that she was slightly obsessed with him. She was no longer trying to convince herself that the flutters in her chest whenever she saw him, were just irregular heart palpitations.

Maybe it was especially painful because she was purposefully staying away from him, and there was no clear end in sight as to when she would get to go back to the way they were. Or maybe it hurt so much because they used to spend all their time texting, or working on their project, or chatting even when they weren't sleeping together, and now there was just nothing.

How had she not realized sooner just how deeply she had fallen?

She didn't just miss being with him physically, she missed the other stuff, she missed all of it. She missed the talking and the arguing and the laughing harder than she ever had in her entire life.

On Wednesday, she hit a low point. Percy's absence had been hitting her particularly hard that morning. For the past two days, she had stayed away from the West hallway because she knew Percy walked through there on his way to his first class. Today, she found herself heading in that direction because she just needed to see him.

She noticed Jason at his locker and raced towards him, striking up a conversation and using her tall friend as cover so that she could watch covertly as people walked by.

Then she spotted Percy, and she sucked in a deep breath. His gaze wandered across the faces of the other students casually, slowly scanning their way towards her. She tried to duck down but it was too late, his vibrant green eyes found hers, rooting her to the spot and immediately rendering her hiding place useless.

He gave her a sneaky little smile that was meant just for her. A grin that he had been giving her ever since they started their agreement. A knowingly cheeky smile which reveled in the secret between them.

He looked unfairly good. He wasn't wearing anything particularly special or out of the ordinary, just dark pants and a graphic t-shirt, but she would challenge anyone to find a single piece of clothing that Percy didn't look good in. Trick question, there isn't one.

God, she missed him.

Her palms started to sweat, and she felt sick to her stomach as she scanned him up and down. Her face must've been full of horror and longing because Percy's grin fell from his lips, and he cocked his head to the side like an adorable puppy trying to figure out what was wrong. Her heart panged pitifully as she pulled her eyes away from him and forced them back on Jason, trying to make it appear like she was in the midst of an important conversation.

After a moment, she peeked out again to see that Percy had kept walking, but he was glancing back at her intermittently with furrowed brows. When he was gone from view, she dropped her face against her friend's shoulder with an embarrassing huff.

Jason laughed questioningly, "you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm good. Just tired," she lied.

"Very strange reaction to being tired," he mused.

"I know," she sighed simply. "I have to go to class."

"Okay? Have fun," he said with a pat on her on arm.

She waved, "thanks."

Jesus, this was not going well.

She mercifully made it through the rest of the day without seeing Percy, even though everything inside her wanted to seek him out. She rushed to her car as soon as the final bell rang before he could find her or before she made anymore horrible decisions and went looking for him, herself.

Percabeth Dirty One Shots and DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now