"What's got you so distracted?" she asked.

Annabeth shrugged but her eyes flickered over to where Percy once was, "nothing, nothing."

Piper looked at her suspiciously for a moment.

Hazel leaned in, "Beth, I forgot to ask, how is your thing with that Percy guy going?"

Annabeth's feet stuttered and she nearly tripped, "what? What do you mean?"

Piper kept watching her curiously, her gaze piercing, as Hazel continued, "I thought you said you've been meeting with him? Like at the library. I'm just curious what he's like, he seems super quiet, I've never even heard him talk except when we were at the restaurant."

Her beating heart slowly returned to its normal pace, "oh uh, yeah it's been good. He's pretty nice."

"Yeah, he seemed nice," Hazel said with a smile. "I wonder if we should try to talk to him, it must be hard starting at a new school halfway through the semester."

Annabeth shook her head immediately, "no, no, he- I think he likes being alone and stuff."

"Oh okay, well I just thought it would be nice but if he prefers being alone, then that's cool," Hazel muttered.

Piper wrapped an arm around the smaller girl's shoulder and shook her lightly, "you are too nice for your own good, Hazel. A little sweetheart."

Hazel laughed, "yeah, yeah, whatever."

Annabeth forced a smile, feeling like she dodged a bullet. The last thing she needed was Percy becoming friends with her whole group. She would never be able to escape him then.

They walked into class and her eyes went to him immediately, sitting in his usual spot in the back. She tried to pay attention to Mr. Blofis, once she sat down, but she kept peering over her shoulder as subtly as she could to watch him. She was mesmerized by the way he rotated his head from side to side to crack his strong neck. She loved the way he spun his pencil in his nimble fingers, she loved the deep pull of his brows as he gazed out the window, she loved the strong outline of his defined jaw and the bobbing of his Adam's apple. He was driving her insane.

She only managed to pull her gaze away because Rachel nudged her in the ribs and gave her a curious look.

"What is up with you?" she questioned.

Annabeth knew her behaviour had been off for weeks now, but she just shrugged noncommittally and hoped it would be a suitable answer, "nothing."

"You've been so distracted lately. Is everything okay at home," Rachel asked genuinely.

"Yeah, it's fine, honestly," she whispered softly, despite the bouncing of her knee as she fought to not turn around and look at Percy again.

"Okay well then you need to get laid or something. You have way too much restless energy," Rachel decided.

Annabeth almost choked, "uh, yeah maybe," she stammered.

Rachel eyes sparkled, "ooh yay, really? I was invited to a frat party this weekend, we should go! We can find you some college dick."

Annabeth just nodded, "sure, sure," she agreed.

Then she couldn't help it anymore and she snuck another glance at Percy lounging in the back.

Rachel followed her gaze, "no, not him. That one's mine," she whined jokingly.

Annabeth laughed uncomfortably, "I don't want him, I just thought I saw a bee," she lied.

Rachel didn't look like she believed her, but she just turned back towards the front of the class, and whispered an unconvinced, "uh huh," before dropping the conversation.

Percabeth Dirty One Shots and DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now