"Thanks, I'll see you tomorrow, right?"

He could only nod before she smiled distractingly and walked back towards the front of the class. That was hint number two that she was up to something.

The next day was not as bad. That was until lunchtime. He sat alone, eating one of his mom's cookies when his eyes got caught on a flash of gold. Annabeth was sitting and laughing with her friends, her toothy grin lighting up the room even from where she sat. He watched, captivated, as she ran her fingers through her blonde hair, pulling it into her hand and pilling it into a ponytail at the top of her head. His dick twitched in his pants involuntarily, having some sort of Pavlovian response to her actions. It was impossible not to imagine himself grabbing those same locks in his hand while she sucked his cock dry. He might have believed that this tactic hadn't been purposeful, but then her gaze wandered away from her friends and onto him and she smirked broadly when she noticed his eyes already staring back at her.

It would've been more annoying if he wasn't enjoying it so much.

He made it the rest of the day unscathed until it was time to meet her for their project once again. He dawdled just like last time, before finally heading nervously through the library doors. He didn't know what to expect when he actually sat down to talk to her again.

He could admit that he liked her more than he initially expected. She was headstrong, prideful, quick-witted and certainly intense, but all her supposed negative attributes that had made him want to steer clear of her at the beginning, were actually quite endearing. She was indeed bossy and haughty, but something about it was extremely sexy when it came to her. She was so incredibly attractive when she was a little pissed off with him, trying to decide between a scowl or breaking into a smile, and it made messing with her all the more satisfying.

His palms felt a little sweaty as he got closer to the back, but he quirked his head in confusion when he realized that she wasn't in their usual spot. It took him some searching to find her, peering into a few different study rooms before coming across her. He opened the door and stepped inside, where she sat in the center at a table, surrounded by a few extra bookcases that the school obviously hadn't had space for in the main area of the library.

His steps stuttered for a moment when he took in her blonde curls and her adorable face. He hadn't noticed earlier, but today she was wearing a matching soft green cardigan tucked into a checkered skirt, with a cute headband in her hair. He almost rolled his eyes at the sight, she just loved to taunt him with those long, smooth legs and tiny little skirts. The memory of her thighs wrapped around his head while he lapped at the sweet nectar of her soaked cunt flickered through his mind.

He looked down at himself and nearly chuckled. They were about as different from each other as humanly possible. He was in all black as always, a collared shirt tucked into his pants with a dark jean jacket and chains. She was always so put together; bright colours and pretty pastels and he was the opposite, with his unbuttoned and wrinkled clothes and their depressing shades. The differences between them were comical.

Annabeth didn't even glance up at him as he collapsed into the chair across from her, trying to look as casual as he could, "choosing somewhere a little more private, I see," he joked suggestively.

She ignored his comment and responded sarcastically, "it's a miracle you have a job with your terrible time management skills."

He fought against the corners of his mouth which tried to tug into a smile. He felt relieved that she had reverted right back to her cold, insulting ways, it was always really hot, and it made it easier to act indifferent in return. Although a small part of him had hoped that she would at least be a little excited to see him. He'd like to think that he wasn't the only one that had enjoyed their night together, but she seemed just as poised and unmoved as ever. He wanted to crack her façade just a little, pay back for all the torture she had put him through.

Percabeth Dirty One Shots and DrabblesKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat