I do understand him being busy, but today he's acting strange. Did I do something? Is he okay?

He works at his father's publishing company and he has lots of work to do. Not only is he his dad's PA (personal assistant), but he also does some of the publishing work. It's a big deal.

His job makes him seven figures, that's why he has this lavish lifestyle. You wouldn't be able to tell by looking at him though. No offense to him of course, he's a very handsome man, he just presents himself as a leather jacket wearing bad boy. Despite all of that, he is rich. His car, his home, his house keeper and driver, all of that is how he grew up, of course he carried it with him.

"Okay...Are we still on for tonight?"

"Mhm." he almost dismissed me without doing so.


After showering and getting ready for work at Damon's place, his driver Paul brought me to work. Well, not exactly work, I had ten minutes so he dropped me off at Pinky's. Now, Paul is great, but I'd rather drive myself or go with Damon.

Damon usually picks me up from wherever I'm at when he wants to hangout so I didn't have my car.

Before work, I stopped at Pinky's to get a coffee.

"Hi, welcome to Pinky's. What can I get for you?" the barista asked me.

"I'll have a medium, salted caramel, cold brew please." I said while grabbing my wallet before hearing a familiar voice from behind me.

"Salted caramel? That's not your regular." Nicky said, causing me to immediately turn around.

"Oh hey Nicks, whatcha doing here?" I asked.

"Came to grab a coffee with Jess who totally got blackout drunk last night and it also totally regretting it." Nicks explained, causing me to laugh as Jess lifted her head up from the table and waved at me with sunglasses on.

"Here you go ma'am." the barista said, letting me know that my coffee was ready.

"Bye Nicks, I'm running late now." I excused myself, dashing out of the coffee shop and down the block to Melody's.


"Sorry I'm late, I'm here!" I said to Anna, as I frantically busted in.

"Amelia sweetheart, you know I don't care, but the big mean scary boss lady is here today." Anna said, whispering the last part.

Oh shit.

"Well, well, well Amelia. Late again?" Margo said, almost marching out of the back room with her arms crossed.

"Listen Margo, I'm so sorry, it won't happen again, I swear."

"That's what you said the last five times Amelia."

"I know, but this time I mea-" I tried to make her hear me out before she cut me off.

"No. You're done. Thank you for spending so much time here, but you're fired Amelia. You'll receive your last paycheck on friday."

Are you fucking kidding me?

I couldn't even reply to her. I just stormed out of the store and ran down the street, stopping a sitting on a bench.

I sat there and just simply cried.

It might seem stupid, but that was a great job to me. I went through so much from the time I started working there, until now.

I started working there when I was 16. My brother Ryan even had a record that we sold in the store. The record was honestly terrible, but it's a core memory for us.

Nicky and Jess always tried to get me to stop working there but I never budged. I loved that job.

After I stopped crying, I headed back to my apartment and got into my car. I'm searching for comfort and for some reason Damon popped up in my mind first.


I pulled up to Damon's house seeing a Volkswagen in the driveway.

That definitely isn't his...

Maybe he has a friend over.

While hoping Damon wouldn't get upset that I didn't call first and wondering who's car that was, I walked up to the door. He shouldn't be too mad, I was going to come back in a few hours anyway.

I went to knock on the door before realizing it was unlocked.

Something is definitely suspicious with all of this...

"Hello?" I called out, receiving no response.

"Damon? Where are you?" I called out again, still receiving no response.

The house was completely silent until I turned the corner and walked into the kitchen.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I shouted.

Damon making out with some broad in his kitchen. My heart completely broke.

Truly, he didn't owe me anything. Technically we aren't even together. However, if he was going to be seeing other people I wish he would've told me.

So many feelings ran through me.




"Amelia, I can explain." he shouted, chasing after me.

"You can shove your explanation up your unfaithful ass Damon Hart." I shouted, running out to my car.

Just when I thought I had no tears left to cry. Boy was I wrong.

When looking for comfort, I found nothing but more pain.

1,174 words ☁️🥲

A/N- Hi lovelies! I'm sorry, I know this chapter is kinda sad. I'm sorry to Amelia as well...oops!

Hopefully y'all stick around! I hope you liked this chapter.

The next chapter is my personal favorite so far, so let's see if y'all enjoy it!

Don't forget to vote if you enjoyed and to comment your thoughts!

Thank you for reading!

Love, @defnottb

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