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Y'all we're sad it ended so soon so here's when their all grown up!

Neteyam's Pov:

We've been together for ten years now, married for six years. My life felt so much easier with aonung, we we're happy, my siblings we're happy, our family was happy.

And yes I do mean we have kids.

We have four adopted kids that we love very much.

Tadoka is our oldest, she has a kind heart but is a steady independent woman, I am happy to have her as my daughter.

Tirotay is our second oldest, he reminds me a lot of when lo'ak was younger, he constantly gets into trouble and is always keeping me alerted, he's as well as stubborn and refuses to admit when he needs help or support, but I couldn't love him any less.

Antohi is our second youngest, he's a strong swimmer and has a kind heart, he cares for people and he treats them fairly. He's not the warrior type but he took up an interest in Kiri's tales about eywa and her powers.

Beau is our youngest, he was a fighter that's for sure, he had an attitude like no other and it constantly made Tirotay mad. He reminds me of what aonung used to be like.

--present time.

Neteyam's Pov:

"Morning Hun" leaned over and pecked aonung on the lips, Tirotay made a gagging sound and I raised my eyebrows at him. "What was that Tirotay?" I laughed. "You love seeing your parents together?" I lent over and kissed aonung again,  I could feel the smile grace across his face.

"Ew dad that's gross!" Tirotay said but he was laughing.

I moved away from aonung. "Your siblings still sleeping or up?" I asked him, taking one of the fruits from the basket Todoka made us. "Beau and antohi are out swimming with the younger ones and I think tadoka is out hunting with her friends" Tirotay told me.

I nodded a thank you to him before speaking. "Why don't you go outside too?" I asked him and Tirotay instantly shook his head. "Has that one boy been picking on you again Tirotay?" Aonung asked. "Calian is his name?"
Tirotay rolled his eyes. "I really wish you wouldn't address it as that" Tirotay mumbled, fidgeting with his necklace.

"Tirotay that boy beat you black and blue" I frowned, Tirotay glared down angrily. "I know I was there!"

I frowned, Tirotay had always been different from his siblings, he seemed more distant from us.

I looked around, spotting the dried seaweed I was supposed to deliver to kiri and rotxo. "Tirotay would you mind giving this to rotxo?" I asked, basket of it. He sighed standing up, walking over and taking the basket.

Aonung gave me a worried look and I returned it. I really was worried for Tirotay. I wish life would be easy on him.

"I don't know what to do for him" I sighed when he left the den, aonung pulled me closer to him. "I know, he'll figure things out he's a strong kid" aonung told me, kissing my forehead. I hope so i frowned.

--time skip.

I was cutting the fish when aonung came marching in with Tirotay, they both looked angry so I set down the knife as aonung made Tirotay sit down, tadoka trailed in after her father, I strange expression on her face.

"What's going on?" I asked, aonung came over standing next to me. "Do you want to explain or should I?" Aonung grumbled. I looked over at Tirotay confused as tadoka sat down next to him.

Tirotay crossed his arms. "It wasn't anything!" He said, aonung shook his head. "Tirotay was with that calian kid" aonung hissed, I instantly frowned. "That kid is dangerous" I told Tirotay, stepping closer to him.

He turned his head away from me.

"Tirotay..." I said, reaching out to touch his hands. "He's a bad na'vi, and I don't want to see you hurt because of him" I told him, Tirotay glared angrily down at the floor.

"We just want to keep you safe" aonung said, stepping closer to me.

Tirotay instantly stood up. "No you just don't want me to have a life!" He shouted angrily. "You guys can't decide for me!" He hissed. "Your not even my real parents!"

I felt my heart shatter when he said that, he stormed out of the den and tadoka called after him but didn't follow.

Aonung wrapped his arm around my shoulder pulling me into a hug. "I'm sorry dad" tadoka apologized, hugging me as well. "He's gonna be stubborn for a while" aonung told me, rubbing my back.

--time skip.

"Papa" beau called, I turned around to see my youngest smiling at my, beads in his hands. "Can you do my hair like yours?" He asked me, I nodded smiling as I picked him up, sitting him down on his hammock before sitting behind him. I undid my son's braids smiling as he giggled, holding up the beads for me.

I neatly braided his hair into sections, beau was surprisingly patient with me.

I was halfway done with his hair when Tirotay stormed back into the den, catching me by surprise. Aonung soon came into the den after him shaking his head. "Was he with that boy again?" I asked, turning back to braid beau's hair again. "What boy papa?"  Beau asked my, trying to turn his head. "No one sweet baby" I smiled to him, kissing the top of his head.

Aonung sighed sitting down beside me. "we had I fight about that kid" aonung told me, I nodded my head. "It's bound to happen" I said, thinking about how many times they've foughten over that boy.

"I just want to keep him safe baby" aonung said sadly, leaning his head against my shoulder. "I know baby" I said, resting my head on top of Aonung's.

Antohi came skipping into the main of our den, going straight to aonung and sitting on his lap, whispering not so quiet to him. "Tirotay is sad again" he said. Aonung nodded. "We know bud"

Antohi wrapped his arms around aonung, burying his face in aonung's neck. "But I don't want Tirotay to be sad" he pouted.

Me and aonung exchanged sad glances as I finished Beau's hair.

Soon Tirotay came out of his room, surprising us. He was crying we could tell.

"I'm sorry" he whispered sadly. I smiled lightly at my son. "I know dear" I whispered, beau held onto my side. "You guys were right, I'm so sorry" Tirotay began to cry again. "Come here son" aonung said, beckoning him over.

He quickly came over, being embraced in aonung's and antohi's hug he began to cry more but he was smiling.

I couldn't help but smile to, feeling tears brim at my eyes.

I brought beau and myself over, joining their hug with ease as aonung wrapped his free hand around me.

Tadoka walked in surprise on her face. "Are we family bonding?" She laughed out. I smiled at her, opening my arm allowing her a space and see quickly took it, squeezing me and Beau a hug.

"I love you guys!" She smiled happily, squeezing tighter.

I never wanted to let this moment go. This was my family, the people I loved, I had everything I could dream of. My siblings not far away, my parents living easily, a na'vi and family that I loved so much.

I was never going to let it go.

And that brings this story to a closing end. This was such a beautiful story to write ❤️
Word count: 1276

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