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Neteyam's Pov:

(This will be part of the past before the search)
"You going for a ride?" I asked rotxo, seeing him getting ready to ride his ilu. "No, hunting" he explained. "Your welcomed to join us" he smiled. "Us?" I asked confused. Rotxo pointed behind me and I turned around to see aonung strolling down the beach, he was focused on adjusting the crossbow as he walked closer.

"Hey aonung you wouldn't mind if neteyam came with us?" Rotxo asked him, aonung looked up rolling his eyes. "Sure if he can keep up" aonung laughed. Rotxo rolled his eyes in a playful way. "You can get on the back of my ilu" rotxo offered, I thanked him, gratefully taking the offer.

"What are you going to hunt with?" Aonung asked, his ilu pulling up next to ours. Shit I didn't have a crossbow.

I quickly pulled out the small knife my father had given me. Aonung smiled before a laugh slipped out, I could tell rotxo was trying to hold his laughter back too. "Good luck catching up to them" aonung smiled. I rolled my eyes playfully.

Once we we're all set and ready aonung's ilu was the first to dive into the water, me and rotxo followed after. For most of the ride we played chase, the ilu's swiftly swimming away from each other, their clicking sounds we're loud. aonung looked behind him at us, a smile across his face. God he was beautiful.

Once we had gotten far far out past the reef we dived in, we didn't take hunting serious at first, rotxo kept pulling aonung's tail while he tried to set up the cross bow and then he would act like he was interested in a bunch of coral and say I was the one pulling aonung's tail.

When he was nice aonung was actually fun to hang out with.

We had gotten down to really hunting, aonung let me use his cross bow to try and hunt down some fish.

We we're interrupted by loud squealing and clicking, making us all jump.

We quickly realized the ilu's we're panicked and raced back to the top, we burst out of the water, trying to see what made the ilu's so scared, there was so much waves going on now.  "Look!" Rotxo cried, in the distance a ship was racing twords us. Fast.

"Sky people!" Aonung hissed, hoisting himself up onto his ilu, me and rotxo did the same, the ship was coming closer at a massive speed.

"Quickly aonung shout, back to the tribe!" Aonung hissed. His voice was cut short when bullets were heard the water splashed with fast tiny weapons.

"Dive under!" I cried, but my warning was too late, more shots were fired, I couldn't count how many and aonung and his ilu fell over a loud splash in the water. "Aonung!" Both me and rotxo screamed, the ilu instantly dived in the water.

Rotxo made a turn to grab aonung, he was sinking and wasn't moving. No. No. No.
I grabbed onto his body as we went by, one of my arms still holding onto rotxo.

The blood trail made my heart drop, it was spilling everywhere.

Rotxo ilu raced, but it wasn't to camp, it was closer the the rocks. We could hear bullets land in the water.

I realized rotxo was going to the underwater cave tsireya showed us.

We quickly plunged into the darkness, I held tightly onto aonung, praying he would be okay.
We soon saw some light in the water till we broke to the surface, gasping for air. We quickly pull aonung up onto the flat rocks, blood was pouring from the side of his shoulder and his thigh. He laid unconscious but he was breathing.

I quickly covered the wound on his thigh while rotxo put pressure on his shoulder wound. "What do we do!?" I asked, but rotxo looked just as stressed and confused as me.
He looked at me worriedly. "We need a medic" he frowned. "We don't have one!" I told him, he glared at me. "I know that!"

Word count:690

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