"The emperor shouldn't have married me, and promised anything in his vows if he will just take in a concubine, Lady Dina."

Nanaba and Dir Mike who were just standing behind blinked twice, their jaws dropped by their lady's boldness.

What Y/n said could be an offense.

Especially that she talked about the emperor.

Dina smiled as she stared at Y/n, she's proud. Though Y/n answered out of her own emotions, and not by how she should, Y/n still said what she wanted to say.

"I've always believed that a man who loves a woman should never take interest in other women. Because love for a someone special can't be shared with another person whom you think is also special to you."

Y/n picked up her cup of tea, she sipped on it, looking calm despite what she said.

She's standing her ground.

"Very well said, my lady."


Zeke stopped on his track upon realizing where his walking had led him. He stared at the soon-to-be empress' residence with curiosity.

The servants around are busy, bringing in the presents of the nobles for Lady Y/n.

"I'm sure any man is not allowed to be standing in front of the emperor's woman residence."

The blond guy almost jumped out of shock, hearing a familiar voice behind him.

He looked back and was surprised to see
Y/n, wearing a simple dress.

"My lady! W-what are you doing here?"

Is she working here?! Is she a servant?!

Y/n only smiled at him.

She continued on her way, making her way to the garden of lilies.

"A-are you a lady-in-waiting, my lady?"

A small chuckle left Y/n's lips.

She looked back at Zeke who's already following her. "Maybe."

Zeke pouted, he doesn't understand, but he's glad that he met Y/n again.

"This is the third time I met you, won't you still tell me your name?" Zeke asked.

"I'm afraid, but yes. I still won't tell."

Y/n and Zeke arrived at the garden of lilies.

No one is around.

Zeke wondered where his mother could be, since he knows that his mother is with the emperor's fiancé. Dina told him to just go to the lily garden if he needs something.

"Is the class of lady Y/n already done?"

Y/n smiled in amusement.

"Yes. Lady Dina and Mrs. Finger are having tea somewhere."

The truth is, Y/n didn't have her class at the lily garden today, but at the back of the palace where there is another garden.

Dina and Mrs. Finger are still there.

Y/n only left, excusing that she will go to the comfort room, but she only wanted to bet on the chance of meeting Zeke again.

Her bet was worth it.

"Then just tell me your age, my lady."

"That is a very bold question to ask a lady."

"I'm sorry, but I want to make sure I'm not talking to someone younger than me."

Thy Empress (Erwin Smith x FEM! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now