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The door opened.

"Phone call for you, Mr Shelby." 

He looked up from his work, and peered at the nervous secretary standing in the doorway.

"Who is it?"

"They didn't say - it's a woman."


"No, Sir. I don't believe it was."

Frowning, he got to his feet to follow the woman to the phone thinking that perhaps it was May calling about his horse. He picked up the receiver. "Thomas Shelby speaking." 


It was her, the Irish lilt present as ever. Tommy froze, the phone still held against his ear. 

"Hello? Tommy, are you there?"

He cleared his throat. "I've nothing to say to you."

"Tommy, there's something I need to tell you."

"I don't want to hear it, Grace. Don't call me again."

"Tommy, please..."

He slammed the phone back into the receiver, breathing heavily as his mind raced. 


It was sitting on his desk when he arrived that morning, presumably put there by one of the secretaries. The handwriting, instantly recognisable, caught him off guard, and he froze in his office, the letter in hand. 

"Fuck." He ran his hand through his hair, wondering what to do. It was a lose-lose situation - show Coraline and risk worrying her about his fidelity or not tell her, risk her finding out, and the have her questioning his fidelity. And what to do about the phone call...

He knew he had to tell her. Perhaps if he took the letter to her, it's sealed envelope evidence that he hadn't opened it and indulged in its contents, she'd continue to trust - perhaps even more so for going to her with it. 

Mind made up, he left the room and headed for the newly refurbished Garrison where he knew Coraline would be working. 

He paused at the entrance to the pub, peering through the glass of the door, his eyes trained on Coraline as she walked around the pub floor, clearing off the tables, her smile bright as she laughed at the something one of the regulars was saying. 

Tommy took a deep breath and pushed the door open, noting with approval how the inside of the pub fell quiet as he entered, the loud talking and laughter of the men quietening as he looked around. 

"Tommy," Coraline greeted him from across the room. 

He smiled nervously at her, his smile not quite meeting his eyes, before turning to Harry who was behind the bar. "I need Coraline for a few minutes. "

Harry nodded, knowing that even if the place had been heaving and he couldn't spare her, he'd never be able to say no. Coraline smiled apologetically at him and followed Tommy into the private room. 

"You alright, Tom?" The bruise was starting to fade from her face, only just visible under the makeup she'd used to try and cover it up. 

"Coraline, I... You know that I..." He cursed himself for the nerves, and his inability to get over them. He was Thomas Shelby, for God's sake. He took a deep, steadying breath. "I need to tell you something."

Coraline MurphyWhere stories live. Discover now