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"Polly, you know what it's been like since Martha died." John had gathered the siblings, and Aunt Pol for a family meeting the Garrison, and indicated that Coraline should join them as she brought them their drinks. 

"God takes the best first." Polly replied.

"The truth is, my kids have been running bloody rings around me. Running barefoot with the dogs until all hours."

Tommy smirked. "Pol, give him ten bob, some shoes. Is that it, John?"

Polly sighed, catching the glare that Coraline had sent his way. She was still angry at him after the races, and to be fair, she didn't blame her. "Tommy, we'd be better doing this without you." Tommy wiped the smirk from his face. "Now, what's your point?" 

John took a sip of his drink. "What the kids need is a mother. So, that's why I'm getting married."

"Does this poor girl know you're going to marry her or are you going to spring it on her all of a sudden?"

John shuffled his feet nervously. "I've already proposed and she said "yes"."

"I think there's a shell about to land and go bang."

John took a deep breath. "It's, er... It's Lizzie Stark."

Everyone burst out laughing, except Coraline, who smiled at John, pleased for him. She liked Lizzie Stark, who had been nothing but kind to her all of her life.

 "John, Lizzie Stark's a strong woman and I am sure she provides a fine service for her customers..." Tommy began, before being cut off by John. 

"I WON'T hear the word. Understand? Do not use that word." He said.

Coraline looked across at John, knowing what he was getting at, and feeling anger on his and Lizzie's behalf. She had not forgiven Tommy for selling her off to Kimber, and she felt that she had some little understanding to what Lizzie must have to go through every day - her body and autonomy subject to the whims of the men around her.

"What word is that, John?" Tommy smirked, oblivious to Coraline's growing fury.

"You know what word that is." John spat.

"Everybody bloody knows..." Arthur snickered. 

"Everyone can go to hell." 

""Whοre"? That word? Or "prοst¡tսte"? How about that one?" Tommy was delighting in winding up his brother, before he heard Coraline get to her feet, leave the room and slam the door behind her. His grin was wiped from his face as he just caught sight of her wiping her eyes with the back of her hand as she headed off in the direction of the betting shop.

There was a moment of uneasy silence before John spoke again. "Right, I want it known... if anyone calls her a "whοre" again, I will push the barrel of my revolver down their throats and blow the word back down into their hearts."

They continued for several minutes, teasing John relentlessly as his indignant glare grew steadily into one of frustrated angrily. Just as things were about to explode, Finn ran into the Garrison, looking for his second oldest brother.

"Tommy, we've been done over!" The teasing stopped immediately.


The whole family headed straight to the betting shop, where they found a battered and bruised Scudboat being tended to by Coraline. Tommy ran over to them, pulling Coraline away from Scudboat and holding her out in front of him, his eyes running over her as he checked her for injury. "Are you hurt?" He murmured, so that only she would hear him.

Coraline MurphyWhere stories live. Discover now