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"Absolutely knackered, I am, love." Alfie sat heavily in the chair next Coraline's bed, and she smiled slightly at him. He didn't mind that it was only a small smile, and that it didn't meet her eyes; it was the first time he'd seen an expression other than the vacant one she'd worn for so many weeks.

He looked at her carefully. She was making progress; the casts had been removed from her wrists a week ago, but the cast on her ankle was fresh off that morning. The bruising on her face had faded to a grim yellow and the numerous cuts were healing slowly. 

But it was the other injuries that worried him the most - the ribs that had first been broken by whoever had tortured her before then being dislocated and battered further when Tommy and John had had to revive her and that still hurt her when she moved, her heart that was now weakened by the starvation she'd endured, and the head injuries, her brain fragile and delicate already from years of abuse. And the mental health implications... he didn't even know where to start. 

The door to the room opened up, startling him from his musings. Coraline had turned to look out of the window, and he nodded at the nurse who had bustled in. 

"Good morning, Sir." The nurse greeted him. "Miss Murphy, how are we feeling today?" 

Alfie waited for Coraline to answer with bated breath, but she didn't. The nurse didn't seem put off, and walked over to the woman in the bed, smiling down at her and talking softly to her before turning to Alfie. 

"I'm going to take Coraline for a shower. It's important that she gets moving again, now that her cast is off her ankle, so that she can build the strength up."

"Oh, er, right." Alfie looked around the room awkwardly, stroking his beard. "Well, I..." He remembered suddenly that the room was in fact a small ward, with space for two beds and a curtain that could be drawn between the two. Due to Tommy Shelby's status, the whole room had been put aside for Coraline, the second bed removed and the curtain permanently open so as to make the room feel large and airy. "I'll move this chair to the other side of the room and pull the curtain round whilst I have a nap. That'll mean she has some privacy to do... what she needs to do and all that..."

"Very good, sir." The nurse didn't bother argue with him, and set about moving tubes and wires so that she could help Coraline from the bed. "Whilst you're here, Sir, perhaps you could help me get her standing? It's easier with two people but we are a little short staffed today."

"Right, of course." Alfie stood up stiffly, and placed his hat on the chair. "Come on, котенок, let's get you up." 

The nurse pulled the covers away, and Alfie moved to put an arm around Coraline's waist and used his other arm to steady her whilst the nurse moved her legs to hang over the side of the bed. Through the thin gown she wore, he could feel every rib under his fingers, and he tried not to flinch at the realisation. 

"Ready? 1, 2, 3." He pulled her up to stand gently, feeling her lean against him. He looked down at her, noting her pale face and closed eyes.

"Alright, Miss Murphy, you're alright. Take some deep breaths for me," the nurse comforted Coraline quietly, taking a frail wrist and feeling her pulse racing. "I think you've just got some low blood pressure. The dizziness will pass soon." 

Coraline opened her eyes and looked at the nurse. 

"Better, love?" The nurse asked kindly, and took Coraline's silence for a positive answer. "Okay, let's get going. I've got her now, Sir." She'd snaked her arms around Coraline's waist and was starting to guide her towards the door. 

Alfie picked up his hat, moved the chair, and pulled the curtain closed around him, segregating the room into two halves. He was pleased to find another chair in the corner, and sat heavily, resting his feet up on it, the relief on his hip immeasurable. 


"So you're alive."

Alfie prised his eyes open, his surroundings starting to come back to him. He was surprised how deeply he must have slept, his legs numb from being propped on the chair.

"Tommy thought he was being clever, not telling me that he'd found you. But he also said you've not been speaking, so maybe you're the clever one. You know what would happen if you told him."

Alfie frowned, the accent sounding strange to him. It certainly didn't match the brummy one he heard the most in the hospital. 

"This changes nothing, you know. The agreement is as it was. You need to disappear from Tommy's life."

Alfie's eyes widened in realisation of who it was, the lilting Irish accent of the female voice. He willed himself to stay still, waiting to hear what else she would say.

"I could kill you now, you know. I have a gun. But that would make Tommy suspicious. I suggested he send you to an asylum when he told me that you wouldn't speak; wouldn't that be wonderfully ironic? Clever, genius little Coraline Murphy in an asylum... But no, he wouldn't hear of it of course. He's intent on saving you. He always has been, I suppose. It's tragic."

If Coraline responded, Alfie didn't hear it.

"And so, I suppose our little agreement is once again where we are at. Though I suppose you can't go back to your father again - he'd kill you this time for sure., along with your family when he eventually is successful in torturing the truth out of you. Mind you, I could just as easily give him that address if you don't go..." She laughed, and Alfie felt his blood boil, but he realised he couldn't move quickly enough to ensure that she wouldn't pull a gun on Coraline.

"Do you understand, Coraline? Or have you gone stupid as well as mute? You'll disappear again, from Tommy's life."

Coraline must have demonstrated her understanding as Grace sniffed her approval and he heard her footsteps towards the door.

"Very well. I'd wish you a speedy recovery, but I couldn't care less. Goodbye and good riddance, Coraline Murphy. I hope to never see you again."

Coraline MurphyWhere stories live. Discover now