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1918, 3 days after Sol and Coraline returned from France...

Maria watched the young woman sat at the table carefully. She does not look well, she decided, as she surveyed Coraline lifting a piece of buttered bread to her mouth with shaking hands, her eyes decidedly vacant. 

"Your perfume smells lovely, Maria," Coraline said suddenly, causing the housekeeper to jump a little.

"Oh, why thank you, Miss Coraline." 

"Please, call me Rory. I love lavender scents." 

Maria frowned. "Miss Coraline..." She corrected herself quickly as Coraline shot her a look. "Rory... it's a rose scent. Not lavender - are you quite alright?"

Coraline looked a little confused, wondering how she could have mixed up such different scents. "I'm alright," she replied finally. "I feel a little... odd..." 

The housekeeper's concern grew. "You do look a little pale, dear," she said, placing a gently hand against Rory's forehead. "But you don't seem to have a fever."

"Oh I'm sure I'm alright - I'm just tired. It's been a whirlwind these last few days. Have you seen Sol this morning?"

Maria shook her head. "He hasn't come down for breakfast yet, " she replied.

"Well please don't feel that you must wait around for us," Rory said, smiling kindly at her. "I'm sure we can cope just fine clearing up after breakfast."

"I do have a lot of laundry to do..." Maria looked unsure. 

"Please, Maria. I'm so grateful that you've taken me in as your guest, and I'm very aware of the extra work that brings for you. We can manage fine."

Maria smiled widely at the younger woman. "Thank you, Miss." She said, patting Rory's hand gently. "I'll just be down the corridor doing the washing if you need me, alright?" 

Rory nodded, before getting shakily to her feet and taking her used plate and cup to the sink. 

Her friend arrived in the kitchen just a few minutes later whilst Rory was doing some washing up. 

"Morning, Sol," Rory said, looking up as he entered the room.

"Alright?" He greeted, going to sit down at the kitchen table, eyes lighting up at the food in front of him. 

"How's your arm?" She asked, looking back at the sink.

"Barely a twinge," he replied, tucking into some liberally buttered bread. "Your head?"

"Fine thanks," she answered. "Just a bit of a headache," she added. 

"Hmm," Sol sounded a little concerned. "Hardly surprising after that knock, I suppose," he said. 

They stayed in comfortable silence; Rory tidying around the kitchen whilst Sol finished his breakfast. Leaning back in his chair, his stomach full, he watched Coraline as she looked thoughtfully at her hands. 

"Something interesting on your hands?" He asked teasingly.

"Oh..." she looked at him, "no, no. All good."

Sol frowned, suddenly concerned. "What's wrong, Rory?" 

"I'm sure it's nothing... it's just that my fingers have gone a bit tingly."

"Maybe the water was too hot?" 

"Yeah, probably. I'm just going to the laundry to get a clean rag to clean up."

She left the room, and Sol stood up, walked to the sink and dipped his finger in the water. It was barely warm. 

The slight thud he heard had him exiting the room faster than he'd ever thought possible. Entering the corridor that lead to the laundry, he was horrified to see his friend sprawled on the floor, her body trembling unnaturally.

Coraline MurphyWhere stories live. Discover now