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Thomas looked up from Coraline as he heard Curly's concerned voice cut through the silence of his musing. She was still asleep in his arms, her breathing soft and steady. 

"Is she alright?" Curly made his way over to them, taking the reins of Coraline's horse from Tommy and leading the mare to a spare stable. 

"She'll be fine, Curly," Tommy said gruffly. "I'll need your help getting her down though," he added, suddenly realising that he wouldn't be able to dismount and get her off the horse safely. 

Whilst Curly saw to the mare, Tommy tried to wake Coraline up. "Come on, sweetheart," he said. "Let's get you home." He stroked her face gently, and placed a kiss on the top of her head which had been tucked under his chin. She opened her eyes slowly, blinking as she took in her surroundings. 

"Tommy? We're back at the yard?" She sounded groggy and confused. He nodded. "Ah shit, I've been rubbish company..." She looked apologetically at him and he chuckled softly. 

"You're fine, love," he said. "Let's get some food in you. Curly?" He shouted for his friend who appeared immediately, having settled the mare. "Right then, Curly. I'm going to hand Miss Murphy down to you, alright?"

"Tommy, I can dismount by myself..." Coraline whispered, a touch of colour coming to her cheeks as she blushed in embarrassment. 

"I know love, Curly will be there to steady you though, eh?"


He'd had enough. "Coraline, you've already almost fallen from your horse once today. Now unless you're trying to give me a heart attack, and cause poor Curly 'ere some worry, you'll do as I say and let us help you. Preferably without any more complaining!" 

She bit her lip, and looked down at Curly who was trying his best not to grin. "Thank you, Curly. I'm very grateful for your assistance." She said quietly, smiling wearily at him. 

"Right then." Tommy sighed. "Ready, Curly?" 

"Yes, Tommy," Curly said, reaching his arms up for Coraline to hold onto whilst she swung her leg over the horse as Tommy held tightly onto her waist. 

"You can lift her down now, Curly," Tommy instructed, as Curly put his own hands on Coraline's waist to support her easily to the ground. She stumbled slightly as her feet hit the floor, and she felt Curly's grip tighten around her as he held her steady. 

"Miss Murphy," he began.

"Rory..." she whispered as she closed her eyes firmly to try and stave off the dizziness. "Please call me Rory..." She heard Tommy's feet hit the ground as he dismounted easily. 

"Miss Rory,' Curly tried again, and she felt a small cover her face at his endearing manner. "Miss Rory, you really don't look well."

"She'll be alrigh', Curly," Tommy said, putting an arm around her. "I'll make sure of it, don't you worry." 

Curly nodded, his face creased in a frown as he took Tommy's horse's reins. "I'll take care of 'im, Tommy," he said, gesturing towards the horse. 

"Thank you, Curly. And I'll take care of 'er." Tommy smiled at Curly, the first smile that Curly had seen on his friend's face in a long time, and he watched as Tommy lead the frail woman out of the yard.

Coraline MurphyWhere stories live. Discover now