Chapter 21: Waves

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October 20 2017

Almost a month has past and the group has been having alot of fun in Toronto Canada, They went to many places, did fun activities, went to expensive restaurants and had fun overall, Although the vacation was soon coming to an end and they had to go back to Los Angeles. They felt like they didn't want to leave but were also happy that made memories and got to have a break from work.

There was only two days last for them to leave Canada and they were gonna start packing their bags soon, But right now Andrew decided to take Anne out to the aquarium.

There was only two days last for them to leave Canada and they were gonna start packing their bags soon, But right now Andrew decided to take Anne out to the aquarium

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Anne was standing and looking around the aquarium as There were more people standing and looking through the glass. Winters continued looking around until she saw Andrew walking towards her with some French fries as he fixed his cameo jacket and scarf.

 Winters continued looking around until she saw Andrew walking towards her with some French fries as he fixed his cameo jacket and scarf

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Andrew: Hey Anne, I got some French fries for you.

Anne: Thanks Andrew.

They smiled at eachother as He gave it to her, She was eating the French fries as Both of them were looking at aquarium, Andrew moved his fingers near the glass while there was a fish moving as the fish moved away faster.

Anne: *Laughs* You scared the poor fish.

Andrew: It looks like it never seen human fingers.

Anne laughed as Andrew chuckled, Both of them were looking and walking around as Anne spoke to him.

Anne: Now I feel like I want to buy a small aquarium and keep it on my home.

Andrew: That would be great. You might get the chance to buy it

Anne: It already looks beautiful here.

Andrew: *Smiles* I'm glad you liked it.

They continued walking and talking to eachother, Andrew was listening to how Anne wanted to buy a aquarium at her house, Andrew smiled at her excitement as They continued walking and were watching the view.

They continued walking and talking to eachother, Andrew was listening to how Anne wanted to buy a aquarium at her house, Andrew smiled at her excitement as They continued walking and were watching the view

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Anne and Andrew were both amazed as There was other people watching the view as They looked at eachother.

Andrew: It looks really beautiful.

Anne: I agree on that and it looks really big also.

Andrew laughed a little at her response as Anne was laughing with him.

Anne: I'm serious, It looks way too big.

Andrew: Do you think they will break through the glass?

Anne: Oh gosh, Don't scare me like that.

Andrew: *Chuckles* I'm kidding, It won't break through.

Anne gave a smile as She was holding his arm as They continued looking around.

Soon, They were sitting and talking to eachother while looking through the view.

Andrew: I'm gonna miss Toronto alot.

Anne: Same here, It was really fun here.

Andrew: *Looks at her* One day we should definitely come back here.

Anne: Yeah, That's right. There is alot of memories here, Example me throwing snow at you.

Andrew: *Laughs* You surprised me there, Your beautiful singing and song is also something I'll remember.

Anne: Awww that's so sweet.

Andrew: Right along with the fun activities we did with our friends.

Anne smiled and nodded as Andrew was fixing his hat.

Anne: Thanks for bringing me here though. . I had so much fun and it felt great being away from work after so long. I finally catched up on everything and even did my hobbies after so long.

Andrew: Your welcome. Its always great to have you around

He kissed her forehead as Anne had a huge smile on her face, Both of them were looking at eachother as They smiled at eachother

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He kissed her forehead as Anne had a huge smile on her face, Both of them were looking at eachother as They smiled at eachother.

Later on, They were leaving the aquarium as Winters continued looking at Andrew and smiled at him. She was thinking if Andrew really did like her. She continued staring at her before they got inside the car.

Soon, They met up with their friends as Anne was talking to her friends at the dining room while Andrew was talking to the others in the living room.

Andrew: The aquarium was really fun and beautiful actually.

Alex: Thats awesome, I'm glad you and Anne had fun.

Robert: Yup, Besides we have to leave after two days so tomorrow is going to be a busy day for packing.

Alex: Thats true, I'm gonna miss being here.

Andrew: I agree on that.

Robert: I think the wedding day might come sooner actually once we reach Los Angeles.

Andrew and Alex had a huge smile on their faces as Robert was smiling and talking about the wedding with his fiance as Alex and Andrew were listening to him, Alex looked at Andrew as He asked him a question.

Alex: So what's up with you and Anne?

Andrew: What do you mean by that?

Robert: Come on Andrew, We know it, You really like her.

Andrew was silent as Both of his friends were smiling at him.

Alex: Admit me, We seen the way you two are, The way you both danced in the marketplace, How you two talk and look at eachother.

Andrew: . . . To be honest, I don't think I could ever find a great women like Anne.

Alex and Robert smiled as Matheson was also smiling to himself.

Andrew: I feel like she's the one and You two might be right, I really do like her.

Alex: You should tell her about it. She likes you as well

Andrew: I mean it all started with us having common interests and hobbies.

Robert: And Both of you own businesses and You two relate about struggles and all.

Alex: Along with how much you two care for eachother, Sometimes You show that your in love and Anne shows it too.

Robert: She's definitely the right one for you.

Andrew continued smiling as He was thinking about their words.

Maybe now in all these years, He found his first and true love.

A/N: Thank you so much for reading and stay strong!!! :)

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