Chapter 7: Style And Grace

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Augest 13 2017

Andrew and Anne continued talking to eachother in the diner as They also ordered a drink for themselves and smiled as Anne spoke.

Anne: Our friends could be wondering where we are at.

Andrew: I'll message them later.

Anne: I mean they could be wondering since you and I just vanished like that.

Andrew: Haha True true. But Your quite interesting to talk too.

Anne: *Smiles* Same with you.

Andrew: *Sips his drink* So, How has your business been going?

Anne; Its going fine. What about you?

Andrew: Good to hear. Its going well as well. I'm been having some plans lately.

Anne: Oooh that's nice.

Andrew: Yeah, By the way. Why did you call your friend "Your daughter" anyway?

Anne laughed a little as Andrew was smiling at her.

Anne: Oh you know.


"I mean you saw how she ran towards me with that angry face when I just left for two minutes"

Andrew chuckled as Anne continued speaking.

Anne: Not only that, She just acts childish sometimes. She's still kinda young too.

Andrew: Really?

Anne: She was twenty four when she started working in my business a month before her birthday. She turned twenty seven last week.

Andrew: Oh I see.

Anne: Yeah, Thats why. But hey, she's still my friend.

Andrew: Thats good to hear. Me and Robert have been friends before I started my business actually. I met Alex two years ago when Robert introduced me to him. We became good friends and Both of them are my partners.

Anne: Thats really nice.

Andrew: Yeah, Along with his wife. Esther.


Andrew: Thats Alex's wife. I think she worked in your business

Anne: *Smiles* I know her. She left my business last year.

Andrew: Esther did talked about it.

Anne and Andrew were smiling at eachother as They continued talking before Andrew looked at her.

Andrew: Can I ask you something?

Anne: Yes?

"Are you busy tonight?"

Anne: Maybe but I can put it aside for sometime. Why?

Andrew: Oh. . Uh I thought I could take you out maybe?

Anne looked at him as Andrew gave a smile to her as Anne was thinking about it before she smiled.

Anne: Where and what time?

Andrew: Your willing to go actually?

Anne: Yes, I would like too.

Andrew was a bit surprised but he smiled and chuckled as he was looking at her.

Andrew: Thats great to hear. I'll tell you tonight.

Anne: Okay then.

Anne gave a smile to him as Andrew smiled and looked at her before finishing the last sip of Pepsi.

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