Charles: Dumb Plan

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"What the fuck! Have all of you lost your god damn mind!?" Alfie shouted. To be fair, we don't have any other options, coming here because our plan is already fucked up to begin with thanks to Theo.

"We didn't have a choice" Oscar explained.

"A choice!? The fuck choice do you ha.." Alfie shouted back.

"We found Pedro" I cut him off. "He's dead and we found mr.Hill"

"Where is he?" Mrs.Hill asked

"We dropped him off at the border of Peru, he should go to Sydney" Alfie about to cut me off before Oscar added

"We can't bring him here, you know as well as we do those man gonna come after us, despite Pedro is dead.  Those money is not only his but others as well and those people gonna come after us too. We're here because there's problems on our way and this is the nearest island."

"Here" Theo hand Mrs.Hill a phone "you can contact him yourself, if you didn't believe us"

After a short conversation and ended both of them in tears and painful to watch too, we have to come in conclusion because we're gonna be come after if we didn't leave this territory.

"Our plane crash just by the sea, we need to go back to London, there they'll be stupid enough if they're there to come to us but you 3 can't stay together, because they're gonna come here too, knowing mr.Hill is the only one who survived". Henry explained.

"Mom you can go to Sydney, and i'll take Ariel" Alfie added

Dumb plan.

They shouldn't stick together,

"No. I'll go Australia whether I find your dad or not is up to me but you and Ariel can't stay together is too risky"

Better plan.

They shouldn't be together by all means though,

"Mom,  Ariel has never left this town let alone leave by herself, what if something happened to her"

"She can stay with us" Theo answered

Good plan. Really good actually.

"No fucking way I let her live with you 4"

"We'll protect her and nothing gonna happened to her with our watch" Henry said

"Don't act like I didn't know all of your track records, don't say that it was a collateral damaged"

"You were one of us, what does that make a different" Theo replied

Hard punch straight to his face, I'm too tired to pulled them out.

"stop! Both of you!" Mrs. Hill yelled

"We don't have a choice Alfie, and i trust them"

"I am a man of my word Mrs.Hill no one and I mean no one will hurt her under our watch, we'll make sure of that" I said

She nodded.

"I trust your word Charles please do not make me regret giving Ariel to the 4 of you"

I nodded, I would love to have my little baby by my side. I was so surprise when I see her, she has changed, grew a lot taller but still can't reach my shoulder or just barely reach my chest, long hair a cute brunette, and definitely have more curves on her body. She should not wear those fucking slit dress that shows a good amount of her thigh in front of that stupid boy.

She's gonna regret it.

I do miss her though, we used to came here all the time, I used to play with her, I was the one who thought her how to ride a bike, she would go down the terrace in her pajamas that is clearly too big for her while dragging her stuff toys ready to be picked up by one of use.

She's adorable and she still do.

It'll be hard for her to leave.

I bandage myself up, while the rest watch our back and Alfie with her mom close their store and packed their stuff.

Just then, Ariel walks in alone looks a mess dirt covered her with blood stain on her dress.

We all rushed into her

Oscar crouching down "are you hurt?"

She just sobbed

"We gotta go now" Henry and Theo run inside to let them know and I took cover for them while Oscar search if she's hurt. "Ariel look at me, breathe" he hold her face trying to calm her down.

"Is she hurt?" I asked while keep on my watch


Just then a few shot were firing at us

"Fuck take her" i heard she scream

I heard Oscar run with her, I start shooting and took cover without realizing I was hit too.

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