Love in War - Chapter 24: Life

Start from the beginning

"How long? Should we get lunch?"

Well, that wasn't going to work.

"Not that," he stumbled to find the words, "you see, Mulan and I won't be able to come back for some time. Not for training."

GASP "You're leaving?"

"No, no. We're not going anywhere..." Shang clarified.

"Then why are you leaving us?"

"You don't like us?"

"Have we been bad?"

"It's not like that..." he tried to explain, but the comments and questions kept coming and coming and he didn't know what to do.

"Listen!" Mulan finally stepped in, clapping her hands a few times to cut the chatter. When it was finally silent she continued, "Look, sometimes life changes for a while, and the way we act has to change with it. Shang and I were able to come here all season because my parents' farm needed help - meeting you guys here every week was our favorite part of all - but now the season is over and there's no more work for us here. We have other things we'll need to take care of, but it's not like you'll never see us; we'll still drop by every once in a while to visit my parents or come to the market!"

The girls all looked to her in understanding, but it was clear from the somber expressions on their faces that they weren't pleased by this development.

"And because we care about you and think you've all done such an amazing job," she spontaneously continued as an idea popped into her head, "I'm going to entrust one of you as my official captain to take over for us while we're gone!"

A rush of relief washed over her as she saw their expressions light up, and she was able to confidently call Sha Ron to her. Placing both hands on the child's shoulders, Mulan declared her the girls' official captain, leading to a good squeal from her and cheering from the rest of the group. When she was finally able to dismiss them and earn her right to go, it was more joy than sorrow that filled their little faces.

As per the usual arrangement following her and Shang's fieldwork, the two met Mulan's family in their home to share a meal with them before they would head back. Never once was it lost on them the genuine happiness her parents and grandmother showed whenever the couple dropped by, despite their regularity. It was always a bright and loud hello and a series of hugs that welcomed them inside and insistence on hearing all about the day and the developments of how the young couple was faring. As they took their seats at the table, which had a regular setting for the two of them now arranged, today was no different.

"The work wasn't too bad today, was it?"

"That group of little girls! So cute. They love you very much."

"That Ma of yours still givin' ya trouble? You be sure to let me know; I'll show 'er what's what."

As always, Mulan and Shang assured them that everything was fine and they enjoyed the lovely meals Fa Li had prepared for them; today being some stir-fried chicken and vegetables. As the food on their dishes slowly diminished, Mulan could feel Shang's gaze on her - a subtle reminder of a task to complete. When she shot him a look back, his eyes were exactly where she thought they'd be, and he immediately returned to his food.

The two of them had become quite good at this - nonverbal communication and picking up on each other's cues. Whether it was a result of their chemistry and the quality time they'd gotten to be together or just a consequence of domesticity, who could say? Either way, it was something the two of them had grown quite fond of and grateful for. They had a good partnership and functioned well with each other; two halves of a whole.

"There's something I want to tell everyone," Mulan finally stated. It was slightly louder than she had intended, but it worked to draw the attention her way.

"Anything, dear" her mother was first to reply, offering her a compassionate smile.

Mulan returned it a bit uneasily before looking at Shang's calming face and allowing herself to take a deep breath.

"Go on, love," her father offered her as well, folding his hands over each other and giving her control of the room.

"We're... Shang and I..." the words were getting caught in her throat and refusing to manifest until she felt her husband's reassuring hand on her own.

"I'm pregnant!" she finally announced.

After a brief moment of silence, the room suddenly roared with excitement, congratulations, and a million questions.

Congratulations! When did you find out? How long has it been? I'm so happy for both of you! How do you know? Are you sure? What are you doing pulling weeds, foolish girl? Does your mother know?

"We had our suspicions for a few weeks," Shang started to explain.

"So we decided to visit the doctor's office today to be sure," Mulan finished.

"We found out right before we got here," Shang continued, "we'll tell my mother as soon as we return."

"That's wonderful news, Shu will be so excited to hear!" Fa Li declared with a gleeful little applause.

"I hope so," Mulan muttered to herself. It wasn't that she was pining for Shu's approval - that was a feat she'd long given up on; it was just so difficult navigating every day around someone whose pendulum only swung from outright expressions of hate to ignoring her existence. She lived with the woman, it would be nice to see her happy for once.

"Don't you worry," her grandmother assured her, giving her a good pat on the back, "but if news like this can't brighten 'er up, nothin' can."

"I think she's right," Shang chimed in with a hand on Mulan's shoulder.

"Think? When have I ever been wrong?! You'll be fine, dearie."

"Well, we're operating under the assumption that my mother has the ability to smile. We'll need to give ourselves some leeway," he added, earning a good chuckle from Mulan as she placed a gentle palm on top of his hand.

When the conversation finally closed, the two thanked her family for all their love and support and started home. On the empty road together, the couple found themselves sharing a good number of silent glances and gazes as they were left to reflect on everything: their relationship... their family... their entire reality.

This was it; a new phase.

A new chapter.

Their lives were changing forever.

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