Chapter 2•We Got You

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I open my (e/c) eyes slowly as I felt the suns rays slightly warm up my (s/c) skin. I then rose my head to see the sun rise. It's beautiful colors that painted the sky.

It has been a day now and still no sign of Mama or Papa. Well of course, they left me...told me to say here...

A few seconds later, I felt my stomach growl in hunger.

"I'm sorry tummy. I wish I could give you food, but I don't have any," I said as I looked down at my stomach. The park I was in was unpopulated and I was the only one their, sitting on a bench, and not knowing what to do.

I hugged my knees tighter against my chest as I felt a cool breeze hit my (s/c) legs and flicked my (h/c) hair. I then buried my head in my legs as I tried to keep warm.

I don't know how long I sat there, but the next thing I knew, I heard a loud honk and two engines roar and grumble. I gasp and quickly lift my head up to see two sleek black and slightly dark purple cars facing me. I let go of my legs and back up as much as I can, which was fruitless- considering I'm on a bench.

My (e/c) eyes grew wide with fear and confusion as the sleek black cars started to slowly advance toward me. And by that, I mean drive over the sidewalk toward me.

"So this is a sparkling," I heard a deep voice say. I looked around in shock that no one was around, yet I heard a voice.

'It couldn't be the car...' I thought. 'Could it?...'

"Why is it not crying out for its carrier?" A different deep voice said.

"It could be different," The first deep voice said.

"Possibly," Said the second deep voice. "Let's bring it to Shockwave. He'll know what to do with it. He did need a test subject,"

The next thing the cars did, was something I would never forget.

Metal shifting sounds were heard along with gears being moved around.

Instead of two cars, their were now two story robots. Both looking the same in appearance.

For some reason, I didn't feel scared. I was left out here alone for a day. Why should I feel scared of this? I just felt, curious. It's not like everyday you see two story robots.

I just looked at them in awe and shifted my body so I was just sitting regularly on the bench.

"The sparkling is not calling for its creators," The first deep voice said. "This one is most definitely unique. We shall bring it to Shockwave for experiment," One of the robots then picked me up- and not so gently- with both my hands trapped on my side as the large hand kept it in place. I started to squirm, knowing that if I didn't get away, bad things were going to happen.

"Help! Someone help me!" I screamed out.

"Quiet the sparkling before the Autobots come," the second deep voice said.

"HELP-!" I shouted but was then cut off by a sudden pain on the side of my neck. Blackness immediately consumed me, as my body went limp. I wasn't giving in to the darkness so I could still hear. I heard more shifting but it was at a distance.

"Let the girl go 'cons!" I heard a female shout. I then hear something switch, and then power up. I started to panic, knowing that powering up after something switches is probably bad.

I then heard a swishing kind of noise and then I felt myself moving.

"Oh no you don't!" I heard a male say. I heard a bang of metal and the next thing I knew, I felt airborne. The sound of rushing foot steps toward me had me pleading it was the supposedly good guys. I then found myself in what I think is a metal hand. One that could be almost two times as big as me.

"Scrap," I heard a female say above me. I then heard two bangs of metal to metal, and then metal to ground.

"Who did the 'cons get," I heard the same male from before.

"Not now Smokescreen- she needs medical attention," The female said. "Arcee to base do you read,"

"I read you Arcee. What is the situation," I heard a different male say.

"I need an immediate groundbridge and prepare a medbay for a human. Get Nurse Darby as well," The one I assume called, Arcee, said. I then heard the same swishing noise from before and then I felt myself being quickly moved. The swishing noise got louder and then I felt myself tingle a bit.

I then heard the swishing noise power down and multiple footsteps come my way. Both big and small.

"What happened?!" I heard the same male from before that was talking to Arcee shout.

"The 'cons got her before we could do anything," Arcee said.

"Give her to me," The same male said. I felt myself being moved onto..another hand? "Someone call Optimus and Agent Fowler and someone Groundbridge Nurse Darby here. I already informed her of the situation. For now, I'll do what I can with her,"

Then that's when I fully gave into the darkness.

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