Chapter 12: The Tree House

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"That sounds great!" I smiled.

I felt someone staring at me and that's when I realized I completely forgot that Levy and Gajeel were at the tables to the side of us and Levy was giving me a huge smile and looked like she was about to burst from happiness that I just got a date.

Natsu POV

When the bell rang I was going to walk Luce to her next class but before I could catch her she was already out the door with him. So I walked to gym. I'll just catch her before she gets to her car later. I was soon shoved against the wall after which I heard a signature snicker.

"What the hell metal face?"

"Come on you know I'm just screwing with you."

"Yeah, yeah."

"Did you hear what happened in class?" He asked.

"Hear what?" I asked back.

He was quiet for a minute as we walked into the gym.

"You'll find out soon enough." He said as he walked off to a corner of the gym.

When I had stayed the night at Grays and Gajeel was there we all kinda had a heart to heart the three of us. Gajeel confessed he liked Levy, Gray confessed he likes Juvia which Gajeel didn't take lightly and I had to restrain him from killing Gray. I admitted my feelings about Lucy. But this was before school and I'm with Lisanna now. Even if those feelings are still there, I buried them to be with Liz. So if it's about Lucy, unless it's somethings serious like something going on and she's upset, I don't really care.

I walked over to where Gajeel had walked off to and we just sat down on the bleachers while we waited for our perverted teacher to get things started and the rest of class to file in. Soon enough he walked in and for some reason he looked so proud and smug. Him and his stupid one earing. I mean if you wanna have piercings or one earring fine. But don't be weird and wear one and look stupid. Gajeel has a bunch of piercings but at least he looks decent with it.

Sting just sets me off in a way I can't explain. Not in a way as if I'm jealous of him. More so like he's just not, good. I really don't know what it is about him but he just smells like trouble. I knew even Gajeel could sense it. Sting caught me looking and he sent me a wink. What the hell?

"Alright class!" Gildarts yelled after he blew the whistle getting our attention. "It's time for dodgeball!"


"Natsu!" I heard my name be called when I walked out of gym to see Liz running towards me

"Hey!" I greeted her as she jumped into my arms, she gave me a peck on my cheek.

"What are you doing after school today?" She asked as I intertwined our fingers and I walked her to our last class of the day.

I noticed Sting lean against the wall near the doors of the gym instead of leaving. What's he doing?

"I'm meeting Lucy when classes get out and we're going to my house to start on our English project."

Liz stopped walking and when I looked at her she looked incredibly mad. Did I say something wrong?

"Why can't you guys work on it during study hall? Or during English?" She said snarkily.

"We're not allowed to work on it at school, and my sister wants to meet her."

Lisanna pouted.

"Liz come on, there's nothing to worry about. You're my girlfriend and she's my best friend. Wendy heard a lot about her from me when she first got adopted and that's why she wants to meet her." I told her as I hugged her.

When we meet againDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora