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—TALIA—crystal clear

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crystal clear

Bora Bora, 7th December 2026

Clear blue water as far as the eye could see, pearly white sand and palm trees for days. It was the ultimate relaxation, something I desperately needed. It had been a rough year—becoming a mother had been hard. Not that I had expected any different, but I had been exhausted from the pregnancy, and with Imani being born right before the start of the season... it hadn't been easy.

But Charles and Arden were babysitting her for a week, practicing for their own bundle of joy coming in five months. And here I was, finally able to lay back and relax on a sun bed, a hat shielding my eyes from the bright sun and a cocktail on the table beside me.

"Amazing, isn't it?" George hummed beside me. I looked over at the man, unable to stop the smile from spreading on my lips. With enthusiasm, I nodded. George sighed happily. "I'm so happy we get to be just us for two weeks."

I got up and made my way over to George's bed, which was big enough for two people. He opened his arms and I laid down beside him, resting my head on his chest. He kissed the top of my head, taking off my hat and discarding it on the table beside me.

Hearing his heartbeat beneath my ear, the reminder that no matter what happened, he would be a constant in my life, made me relax. "I love you."

"Love you too, baby." George mumbled quietly.

Imani had been born premature after my placenta had let loose, and because of my tumultuous pregnancy, in which I'd suffered from iron deficiency and extreme morning sickness, the doctors were afraid she would have health issues. After a day of tests, however, it turned out she was completely fine—her health was in pristine condition.

I ran my fingers over the scar on my stomach, a permanent reminder of the fact I had given birth to a human. George noticed, his hand joining mine, fingers brushing the sensitive skin. "When I met you, I thought you couldn't get any more beautiful. Yet you keep surprising me," he whispered quietly in my ear.

I blushed, looking up into his icy blue eyes, a gorgeous contrast to the ocean just a couple of feet away. I pressed a kiss to his chest, running my fingers up and down his defined abs. Where I'd gained some weight due to my pregnancy and motherhood (which I loved, contrary to popular belief I loved seeing how my body had accustomed itself to housing a small human), George had been training harder and harder to continue to push his body. He had won another championship this year, marking his third.

"Keep doing that and we're going to have to head back to the hotel room," George mumbled, voice husky and eyes darkened.

"Who says we have to?" I smirked, playing with the edge of his swimming shorts. When George raised his eyebrows, I slid my hand under the material...

— —

I had a feeling about that evening. A funny, warm feeling in the pit of my stomach. Four months ago, when trying to find spare batteries for the baby monitor, I had come across a navy blue box, similar to the one that I'd gotten all those years ago on the Christmas market in King's Lynn.

Of course I remembered the conversation I'd had with George the day I discovered I was pregnant, and the long before hint Jacoba had dropped that he had asked her about rings. I had done what I shouldn't have and opened the box, revealing the most beautiful oval sapphire stone set in gold, flanked by three small diamonds in the form of triangles on each side, creating a sort of flower effect. It was stunning.

Ever since then, I couldn't stop thinking about it. But I knew at the time, still trying to navigate new parent life, that this was a step neither George or I were willing to take just yet. But I had a feeling... tonight was the night.

We were going out for dinner, and George had asked me to dress up for the night. Apparently it was "just dinner but at a fancy place", which on Bora Bora, wasn't so crazy. But there had been other signs, like Arden insisting on a nail appointment before I left, and George giving me a spa day with a haircut included just a day ago.

I stared at myself in the mirror, the dress I'd chosen hugging my new curves. It was a beautiful pink, satin dress with a high slit and a draping neckline. Pink was Imani's favourite colour, something I knew because she always made grabby hands for anything pink.

"Wow," sounded from the doorway. I found George leaning against the frame, wearing navy slacks and a white linen dress shirt, the top three buttons undone. He looked like a Greek God, all chiseled and beautifully tanned from the vacation sun. It made me want to climb him like a tree.

"I could say the same," I said with a soft smile, coating my lips with the final coat of lipstick before smacking them together. Arousal pulled at my stomach when I saw the way George's eyes darkened as his gaze raked over my body shamelessly. "Can't we stay home and...?"

George laughed and walked over, looping an arm around my waist and pulling me into his chest. His lips ghosted mine. "Mhm... very tempting."

I sighed dramatically, catching his lips in a kiss. "Let's go, then?"

The man before me nodded and led me out of the door.

— —

After the amazing dinner, George insisted we take a walk along the beach. The sun was just beginning to set, and I took off my heels. George carried them for me as we walked in the sand, the cool water nipping at the skin of my bare feet. His hand was warm in mine, and the contentment I felt in that moment was astounding.

I couldn't believe this was where I was now. Looking back, fifteen years ago, little Talia had never expected that this was where she would be now. I looked at George, feeling tears well up, when suddenly he turned to me, stopping in his tracks.

I took a deep breath, smiling widely. George grinned, gently dropping my heels on the sand beside him.

"About time, isn't it?" He asked, taking my hands in his, his blue eyes meeting my honey browns. "Talia Agu..."

"George Russell," I said with a nervous and relieved giggle, tears now truly starting to form beneath the surface.

George let go of one of my hands and reached into his pocket, pulling out the same navy blue box I'd found four months ago in his nightstand. He pulled it out, and sunk down on one knee. He smiled at me, his fingers caressing the soft space between my thumb and my fore finger.

"Talia, you've been the light of my life. Seeing you become a mother, the privilege of having a baby and getting to raise her together, has made me love you even more. I thought it was impossible, but apparently it has not. I love you, I—" He blinked away tears, laughing softly, sniffling. He was lost for words for a moment before he took a deep breath.

"I know you've seen this coming, I know you found the ring months ago. You're a very bad liar, by the way. You always have to tap your fingers against something whenever you're lying. And those little things, now that I have lived with you for nearing three years and we've been together for four... Talia, you're my everything. I don't want to live without you and this past year has made me realise I want you fully, for the rest of my life. Will you marry me?"

I had expected it to feel like an unexpected wave crashing in to you, but this decision felt as easy as the realisation that I had when I was pregnant— like coming home. So of course I nodded my head, barely able to get a 'yes' past my lips.

He slipped the gorgeous sapphire ring on my finger, and then wrapped his arms around me, kissing me as if I was his oxygen supply and he was a man unable to breathe on his own.

It was perfect.

— —

hi guys!!! 🥹 I loved writing this chapter.
unfortunately, it will be the last bonus chap since I've noticed I've mentally wrapped up their story, so it's been hard to find inspiration! but if there is ever a moment where I miss them, I will definitely come back and give you guys some more. I hope you enjoyed, and see you soon on photograph/midnight kiss x
V x

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