chapter fourteen

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There was one thing I knew for certain now, and that was that Talia was a terrible baker. I had picked the easiest sugar cookie recipe, and we still somehow managed to get the measurements all so wrong that I wasn't sure the dough in the bowl was actually dough..

I kneaded through the mixture, wondering how the hell this was ever going to end up as anything but a cement block.

"Maybe we should add more flour?" Talia asked, holding the packet in her hands.

"Love, you add flour when the mixture is runny. Not when it's... this hard."

Talia giggled at that. I couldn't help but laugh too, and nudged her with my elbow. "Come on, now. Don't be childish. You're better than this."

She rolled her eyes and then spun around to press some buttons on the oven. When she came back, she peered over my shoulder at the mixture. "It looks fine to me. Are you sure we shouldn't add flour?"

"Oh you want flour?" I asked, reaching for the flour and dipping my hand in. I threw some of it at her, cackling as it dusted her chin and the entire front of her sweatshirt.

"George!" Talia gasped, looking down at her chest and then back up at me, pure shock registered on her face. She wiped at her chin with the back of her hand, then reached for the packet of flour.

Realising what she was going to do, I laughed and made a run for it, ducking onto the couch. "Ha! You don't want to mess up your couch!"

Talia narrowed her eyes and leaned over the back of the couch, staring straight into my soul, one hand holding the packet while the other had a fistful of flour. "Do not tempt me, George Russell."

"Very intimidating, I'm almost scared," I chuckled.

Talia frowned, right before opening the hand with the fistful of flour right on me, covering my entire neck and parts of my face and chest in flour.


"You did it first, Russell!" Talia called as she walked back to the kitchen, putting the flour away. "It's called payback!"

I groaned and tried to get up from the couch without spilling any of the flour on the dark blue fabric. I rubbed my hands in the flour stuck to my hoodie, walking over to Talia and then grabbing her waist, spinning her so my body was trapping hers against the counter.

"George—" Talia gasped, her eyes raking down my body before realising the flour stains on her navy sweatpants. "You fucker."

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