chapter nineteen

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It was embarrassing how quickly the puzzle pieces fell into place in my mind. It was also embarrassing how my entire body was tingling all over from a simple peck. I had to keep a straight face for my family, for Jesse standing right in front of us, but if it weren't for them I would've been showing just as much confusion as they were.

Well, except for Jesse. And he was exactly why I pieced the story together so quickly. The fact he was the only one from back here who seemed to have it in his head that George and I were a couple, that had to be the reason George had put up the act.

But now it was too late to go back, so I forced a fake smile on my lips and pretended to shyly hide my face in George's shoulder, all while the butterflies in my stomach were fluttering from one side to the other. With his hand pulling me tight towards him, his apple and cinnamon scent enveloping me, I could've stayed right there forever. If not for Jesse's loathing gaze burning into me.

An excited squeal broke through the tension-filled moment. "Oh my God, that means you have a plus one for the wedding! Okay, shit, I need to rearrange the seating chart now!" It was George's sister: somehow her expression contained both elation and worry at the same time.

"Oh, Cara, it's okay. Please, I know it's very last minute," I pulled myself away from George enough to look her in the eye. I was grateful for already knowing his family to a certain degree—his mum had been a frequent customer at the supermarket I used to work at in my last year of high school. She'd once told me how George loved baking pizzas in their wood oven. I glanced at the man in question, my heart fluttering and a small smile forming on my lips.

"No, I insist. I'll make sure it's arranged. But I do have some questions." Cara hummed to herself, pulling out her phone and starting to type away.

"Oh, Talia, it would be lovely to have you over for dinner." George's mum, Alison, spoke up. "It's been so long since we last spoke, and now that you're dating our son I'd love to get to know you better."

"We feel the same about you, George," My uncle, Malik, insisted. "You are welcome to our home any time."

My aunt, Jacoba, nodded in agreement. "We'll go ahead to the fair, Talia. Come find us when you're ready."

All the while, Jesse rocked back and forth on the balls of his feet, looking visibly uncomfortable. I couldn't help the small spark of victory that licked at me at the sight. George interlinked our fingers and pressed a kiss to my temple, causing another surge of excitement to rush through my veins.

"I'd love to join you for dinner," I said to Alison. "I don't have many plans while I'm here, so I'm free every day except around Christmas." I glanced at George, secretly conveying an inch of the overarching tower of feelings I was experiencing. His icy blue eyes sparkled. "We can work something out."

Jesse cleared his throat just as George's parents interlinked their arms and walked off towards the fair, bidding their goodbye. Cara swiftly followed them. "Well, I guess I will see you after Christmas for the reunion."

"The reunion?" I asked. Nausea rolled through me like a tidal wave, the reality of his words sinking in. George noticed the way my body became rigid with tension, and his hand on my shoulder squeezed gently. He turned towards me, eyes meeting mine, radiating warmth and comfort and everything that I needed in that moment. The way he looked at me felt like a warm hug or steaming cup of hot chocolate on a winter's day.

"Well, we'll have to see if we have any plans that day. I'm sure there will be an email with a proper invite, no?" George turned back towards Jesse, my shoulders visibly sagging as my muscles relaxed. "We've got somewhere to be, but it was delightful seeing you again, Jesse."

The man in question was oblivious to George's sarcasm, but I could tell by the slight twitch in his right lip that the Formula One driver was struggling to withhold a smile. Jesse nodded, muttered a goodbye and walked off, with barely a glance spared in my direction.

George turned to me and reached for my hands. They were dwarfed by his as he held them, his Oura ring catching my attention, the onyx-coloured metal contrasted against his pale skin. He brushed his thumb over the soft skin between my thumb and forefinger.

His eyes suddenly flicked away from mine, into the distance. "He's watching us," George said, forcing himself not to scoff. "I think he's testing to see if this is real."

"We'll show him it is," I mumbled, and before I could even regret the words that left my lips, I leaned up, on my tip-toes, and snaked an arm around George's neck. I pulled him down to meet me halfway, his lips meeting mine in a soft kiss. The world faded away around me, warmth spreading through me as if his body was a bonfire on a chilly night by the sea. I rested my free hand against his chest, happy to lean against something as the sparks zapping through my body left me feeling unsteady.

George's hands pulled me closer to him, grip firm on my waist. His lips moved in perfect harmony with mine, a symphony waiting to happen. His words from earlier today came crashing back into my mind. We'd be more than friends if we could give each other what we wanted. Of course I knew he was right, but his admission that there was something between us, well it made a lot of sense now.

Whatever I had lacked with Jesse, what I had lacked with every other man in my life, I had that with George. The fact he pushed me to be my best self, the way I could feel myself light up like a Christmas tree whenever he walked into the room, the magnetic pull towards him no matter where he was.

And yet.

This kiss proved to me that I was right, and maybe I could convince him. Maybe this fake relationship would debunk whatever his reason was for not wanting a relationship. Lying to Jesse and my and George's family had been so easy. Maybe this was how it was meant to be.

When I finally pulled away, I confirmed with one quick glance that Jesse was no longer around, and there was now a group of children having a snowball fight not far from us. But even that couldn't shake me from this haze, and when I met George's eyes once again, I knew it for certain.

I'd fallen for George Russell, my fake boyfriend.

— —

I don't think I've recovered from Abu Dhabi yet... I genuinely have no words and so I'll keep it simple. What a season. What a last race (it was exciting in terms of WDC P2 lol). #DankeSeb. Fingers crossed for Danny and Mick for upcoming seasons <3

Anyway, as you all know updates wil be slower, I'm swamped with uni and life atm! But at least here's a ... well, plot twist chapter hehe

Question: what's your favourite track?
Answer: Monaco, Abu Dhabi or Singapore

Love, V x

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