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Jesus Christ, claimed to be the one and only son of god, has been a name synonymous with peace, love and tolerance, preaching a universal message of pacifism and acceptance of all persons regardless of identity. It is a message that has been told many times before the conception of the mythological figure, and many times after, but no depictions of peace has been so popular as the virgin-born carpenter.

Over the years, however, like all religious icons, the figure has been perverted into a symbol of justification for the deepest and most unforgivable of atrocities; forcefully eloped with primitive and tribal notions meant to impose power over others not considered part of their own kind.

From the adoption of Christianity by many imperial nations, the claim of higher power has been the driving force of many countries to dominate their own citizens and the citizens of other lands, and expand their sphere of influence across the globe; achieving human goals and ideals packaged in a symbol claiming to be holy. The use of the religion has justified many acts since its very conception...

...and it is the one sole traits of the faith that has truly remained the same over the years.

In these days of the future, this religion has been officially disproven like every other with the discovery of the Ghost Zone, rendering its faith obsolete in the face of new evidence. But while it has nothing in the way of ambiguous concepts such as belief to support it any longer, its dogma and strength still is a force to be reckoned with, especially when under the threat of extinction.

Here in Old Amity Park, a select few members of the Christian faith, marrying their religion with politics to create a deadly mixture of Christofascism, keep well to the tradition of conquering lesser lands and destroying other religions to enforce their own upon other people...

...and they also keep well to the tradition of perverting the image of their lord and savior, unleashing a ghost in the form of Jesus Christ covered in army camouflage and firearms galore. The knowledge of how such a ghost could come into existence is beyond anyone's understanding of ghosts, but that is not the main focus of anyone within its vicinity at the moment.

For now, for the small commune of pagans that the ghost was released upon, their only concern is how to survive its attack.

"The homosexuals and the transsexuals, the pedophiles and spoilers of children, will be burned in the flames, for that is all they deserve! The communists and abortionists, the destructors of America, will perish in the fire, for they deserve no less! The liberated woman and the disobedient child, the insubordinates who have forgotten their place, will burn in the pits, for they deserve much worse! I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble." Jesus said.

Cocking back the lever on his AR-15, Jesus aimed it directly at the pagans, bringing out frightful yelps from his soon-to-be victims.


Pulling the trigger of the ectoplasmic assault rifle, Jesus began firing straight towards the pagan commune, laying waste to several targets with one single burst of fire. Attempting to flee from the fire of the attacking ghost of Jesus Christ, whoever was not immediately killed ran for safety, hoping they would survive the wrath of the weaponized symbol of faith.

Their hopes are not given much way to survive; what damage that the ghost in the form of Jesus does is compensated for by the army of Christofascists who had unleashed him, declaring war on the small commune for the simple crime that its followers had not accepted the same religion as them.

Among the scramble of scared people is also Danny Fenton, the man without a soul. Were he still in possession of his soul, he would be well aware that the attack on the commune is a complete evil, and he would be quick to change into his ghost form to battle the perverted image of Christ to save the communers.

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