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With each passing year providing the world with new technology, one of the first industries to see the largest boost in improvement is entertainment. Ranging from the small and simple productions of short internet videos and television shows to high-class blockbusters for the big screen, the world is nowhere near short on its supply of entertainment, nor the flow of new artistic creations for the world to enjoy.

Entertainment is usually not particularly the largest priority for the minds of the Fentons, for that status belongs solely to science and the discoveries it brings to the world. Nonetheless, the Fentons are still human beings above all, and they still crave the occasional need to rest and recover their minds with time to relax.

Such is the opportunity that Jazz Fenton takes now to bond with her sister-in-law, Sam Manson Fenton, bringing her to Fenton City's entertainment room. With an unlimited amount of capital at their disposal, the Fenton's entertainment room was built with various upgrades and speaker systems, ensuring the best visual and auditory stimulation quality.

For all the entertainment available for them to consume, they flipped through several channels on TV, trying to find a decent channel to settle on.

"Even after a full 3 years the Catholic Church was dismantled in America, Italy still recognizes Vatican City as a sovereign nation and refuses to extradite religious leader Jorge Bergoglio, known by his title of Pope Francis, despite the RICO case on him and his organization in systematized child molestation and sex trafficking-" One news channel said.

"In other news, the socially conservative group League for Decency in Sex makes yet another appeal in their court battle against sex education in schools, continuing their battle against their self-proclaimed war on teenage sex, starting with the new program put out by the Department of Education which includes safety awareness of risky behaviors like anal sex and BDSM-" Another news channel said.

"Racial purity group White Makes Right has founded their own commune in Utah today, establishing a strict set of laws inside the compound that range from dressing conservatively to completely banning all forms of recreation. A legal case has been opened over the legitimacy of the commune, and talks have been made with state officials to see the area be given a tax-free status-" A different news channel said.

"Millions have been affected by male genital mutilation, left with sexual dysfunction, unsatisfied sex lives and broken relationships. Call ReSkin today for a free consultation, where we can regenerate a completely new foreskin for you, as if your genitals were completely natural as they were when you were born, restoring full sensation and enjoyment to your sex life once again-" A commercial said.

"A police raid has left over 130 members of the pedophile advocacy group Love for All Ages incarcerated, including the former Florida Senator Pratt 'Cemetery' Gates, who has been part of an ongoing investigation accusing the former senator of sex trafficking of a minor-" A news channel said.

"Interested in seeing the world? Bringing education and reason back to the masses? Teaching critical thinking and free thinking to the next generation? Join L.A.M., the League of Atheist Missionaries, where you can traverse the globe and give others the skills needed to think for themselves and make decisions that help the rest of the world. Go on the L.A.M, where we Make Rational Go International-" Another commercial said.

"Birth rates continue to plummet to record lows each passing year, making economists and family traditionalists alike grow nervous over the dwindling population growth in the country. Despite millions of dollars being poured into ad campaigns and financial assistance meant to incentivize conception and family-building, it seems to have had no effect on modern generations, causing little to no increase in fertility rates in the U.S.-" Another news channel said.

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