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When the time comes to elect a new president for the country, the United States is always put on edge when the election comes about; all potential directions in which the country could be heading are decisions left in their hands, and the stakes in the game as high as politics go.

Since the 1960s, it has been customary to air presidential debates on television for the entire country to see. With the invention of a brand new method of mass entertainment and communication in nearly every household in the country, it becomes only logical that candidates have a chance to spread their campaign and platform to the rest of the country to amass the most amount of voters.

In the current year of 2027, the presidential run has been put on two candidates making a run for the White House for the next 4 years:

President Tucker Foley, trying to retain his seat in a reelection bid...

...and newcomer Ellis Robertson, known for his liberal and unorthodox views on ghosts in the country.

Both candidates arrive to the stage to shake hands with one another, as well as each take time to shake hands with the moderator of their debate. Their arrival garners much applause, the audience carrying a balance of support for both candidates and looking to the debate with great anticipation.

Hearing the enthusiasm of the audience, President Foley knows that much of the applause is for his opponent and not for him. In between dwindling poll numbers and little accomplishments that have provided for the American people, and looking back on the friendly smile of Ellis Robertson, he knows that his chances of winning in this debate are minor at best.

It is this situation that once again makes him think of Danny Fenton and his crumbling friendship, giving him more uncertainty over the outcome of the debate.

Moving to their respective podiums, each candidate joined the audience in directing their eyes to the moderator, waiting for the moment in which the debate would being at last. Preparing her microphone to announce the debate and its rules, moving her chair to gain the most comfort, the moderator announced the start of the debate.

"Good evening, I'm Frankie Varley of the Jerusalem Spider, coming to you live from James Madison University, where we begin the first presidential debate between President Tucker Foley and Ellis Robertson. This debate will be divided into 6 segments, each segment 15 minutes long. The three topics will be the well-being of the country, America's direction, and security of the country. Each candidate will have 2 minutes to respond to the questions, with discussion time coming after each question. We ask that the audience remains silent for the duration of the debate so we may focus on the topics at hand. Without further ado, let's begin." Frankie said.

Long does the debate rage on between the two candidates, sharing passionate and heated discussion regarding all areas of government and policies that would provide for the country. Much of the dialogue is directed at the lackluster years of President Foley during his time in office, allowing the favoritism of the crowd, and, by extent, the country, to fall in favor of Ellis Robertson instead.

But none of this is of the current interest in Demon Phantom and his 4 horsemen. For now, they favor the past instead of the present, seeking to catch up on knowledge of the world during the many years in their absence from it. All are engrossed in the history lesson and take it well, but none watch it with greater interest than Demon Phantom, rivaled only by Vlad Plasmius.

Listening to M.I.S.T.E.R. recite the past years, providing visual aides of news video and images, he is brought up to speed on the various events that he has not been present for. Starting from a bout with the Ghost Writer on Christmas Eve, coming to the threat of an Ectoranium meteor threatening to destroy all life on Earth, and ending with current events with his recent victory over Danny Phantom.

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