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the undead void known as the Ghost Zone, the underverse to the realm of the living known as the universe expands as its counterpart does; occupied by the many souls that migrate to it constantly without end. Both 'verses expand with the passage of one constant that allow both to continue their eternal expansion:


The flow of time is never too certain; there is always the element of possibility, the chance in which whatever might occur might not occur, and whatever might not occur might occur. There is no certainty in life, and there is no life that is certain. There is only time, flowing like an ocean; wild, unpredictable, and unbridled, completely out of control from any outside forces.

Any forces except one. Time passes through the Ghost Zone as it does in the realm of the living, but there is a space secluded from the rest of the afterlife where it does not pass as the rest of the 'Zone; there residing a fortress that is home to the ghost that exists outside time.

Throughout the age of humankind, he has been called many things. Some have called him Chronos, some have called him Kali, some have called him Mahakala, some have called him the Norns, and they will continue to give him names until their species is eventually replaced, and their successors will continue to name him, but he has a name of his own.

His name is Clockwork.

Unlike other migrants to the Ghost Zone, Clockwork is a spirit not bound by the confines of time and its linear flow, instead existing outside of it as its sole watchman. Within his home, he continues his duties as the watcher of time, watching over the events to come in the future near and far; a view that he has always had with no restraint and no limits.

Observant to time above all angles, conceivable and inconceivable by any one man, his own metaphysical body phasing in and out of ages and time, he has spent much of his existence looking through many possible futures, looking to find one where the betterment of mankind is achieved and peace is found at last for every human on Earth, in harmony with the rest of the universe.

Through every possibility he looks through, he sees that there is no hope for the species he seeks to protect in any timeline; his visions making him bear witness to ends of mankind brought about by famine, a destroyed planet, and nuclear war, if humankind was lucky enough to receive such quick fates compared to the rest.

The images feed him disturbing visions that one man could not take in and remain sane, but Clockwork is not a man, nor susceptible to the fallibilities of man. Pushing through the feed, he tries to find a single future where the people of Earth find a peaceful end, but never has he found one such future that the human race achieves.

None except for one.

Through this one glimpse of this timeline, he finds at last the way to elevate man to its highest state at last, past all problems of mortality and pain that their poor species has had to deal with since its origin from the mindless apes they were born from, and shared the inherent stupidity with.

Seeing his plan for a higher state of mankind, Clockwork smiled, eager to see his plan achieved.

"At last. I have found the way. I have found my plan." Clockwork said.

With much work to be done to achieve his goal, Clockwork moved to a shelf housing a Fenton Thermos. The tool was made use for capturing and containing any paranormal entity, sustaining it in a suspended state for an indefinite amount of time. Inside is the tool in which he requires his plan to be achieved, and all it is required to set him loose is to allow the being within a simple chance to escape.

Moving his staff to the thermos, Clockwork prepared to give the being inside its fighting chance.

"It is time." Clockwork said.

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