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To spend time with loved ones is an activity that nearly every human being on Earth shares, granting people a sense of universal selflessness that allows all of them to find a way to connect with their brother and sisters, both by close relative or by neighbor, and seek some kind of harmony on their planet.

Since the night prior up to moments ago, Danny was able to share one of the closest connection that two human beings can share between one another, choosing to share it with his wife, Sam Manson Fenton. Following a flirtatious training session that brought them both stripped to their underwear, and the revelation of her pregnancy, the moment of love had instilled itself firmly and prepared itself to stay.

However, that one moment was soon gone before it could take foundation; uprooted from its grounds by the hands of another. The other who had caused this interruption was another member of the Fenton family, this one the mother of the family by the name of Maddie, calling for Danny's help on her next invention.

The interruption was not one that Danny took kindly to, but nonetheless he allowed the moment between him and Sam to be postponed in favor of her needs, still making himself available for his mother and be an aide to his family when he is needed. In exchange for time with the woman that will soon provide him with life, he is given a chance to spend time with the one who gave him his.

Moving into the laboratory, he finds her waiting for him, tinkering on her device to complete its finishing touches. In his absence, progress on the project moved near completion at last, leading him to join the job late. Nonetheless, his assistance was welcomed all the same; Maddie Fenton offering her kindness to her son unconditionally as always with a large smile and a wave from his arrival.

"Hi, Danny! About time you came back in. Care to give me a hand?" Maddie asked.

"Sorry, mom. You know how needy Sam can be. Got it yet?" Danny asked.

"Almost. Just need some help getting this piece in. Give me a hand, will you?"

Just seconds away from finally finishing her new anti-ghost weapon, Maddie Fenton struggled to fit a piece into the her new invention, making one final roadblock to her success. Offering his assistance to his mother as promised, Danny offered his own physical strength to finish the project, forcing the new piece in its place.

At last, the piece slid into its designated location, completing the new invention; the device powering on and light up with a quiet hum as its final component was in place. The final contraption resembled something of a large flyswatter with a series of lasers in lieu of netting, intended for use on ghosts rather than insects.

After successfully installing the needed piece into the invention, Maddie let out an exasperated sigh, proudly holding up her new weapon.

"Finally got it! About time, too." Maddie said.

"Looks great. What is it, exactly?" Danny said.

"Name-wise? Still no idea. What's it do? I'll show you. Let's do a test run."

"Test run? We don't have any test subjects in custody right now. I just sent those ghosts I caught today back into the Ghost Zone."

"Oh. Well, I hate to ask this, but could you be the test subject?"

"Me?! Again?! I hate being the test subject. All your inventions hurt like hell."

"Well, that's the point, sweetie, otherwise it wouldn't ward off a ghost. Please, for me?"

After giving in to his mother's pleas, Danny reluctantly agreed to help test the new invention, sticking his hand inside the invention's beam net. Still in his human form, his hand harmlessly passed through the net, leaving himself with no physical harm or injury afterwards.

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