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Being President of the United States means that you will worry for most of your time on the job. Residing over choices pertaining to the country's economy, social equality and justice, foreign policy, and, most recently, handling the new frontier of the afterlife, there will never be a moment in time when you can just truly relax and never have your mind put elsewhere.

President Foley has found many vices which allow him a simple escape from his troubles through the use of drugs (most of which he uses he has not made legal) and prostitution (a profession he has also not made legal), seeking to satisfy his most basic needs as a human being.

Never before had he indulged in such debauchery, but the many years he has spent inside the White House has drastically altered the course of his life, and made him into a much different person than he is today. Very rarely does he look back and contemplate on the days of his past, but recent events have led him to take his time to reflect on the past once again.

During his last conversation with Danny Fenton, their conversation had ended on a note that registered as less than pleasant for both parties. Once upon a time in their lives, each had considered the other their best friend, and, alongside the yet-unmarried Sam Manson, spent many years together as ghost hunters defending the world from the forces of the undead.

When that same man asked for help when he needed it most to defeat one of said oncoming threats, said to be one of the worst, he turned his back on the man he called his best friend. A threat to end all support for his political career was the first consequence for his actions, but further despair came with that shock.

Contemplating over his past with Danny Fenton, President Foley reached into his desk, taking out a small frame carrying the photograph of the trio as they once knew each other. Looking on the photograph, the emotions that began to brew in his mind began to boil to the surface, taking the forefront of his thoughts.

He remembers the days in which the three were the best of friends, and the sight gives him nostalgia for the years gone past.

However, just like any escapism from the real world and its problems, the escape is brought to an end by reality catching up at last. In the midst of his contemplation, a secretary had stepped into the Oval Office, coming to inform the president of a pressing matter regarding his attention.

"Mr. President, sir?" The secretary asked.

Initially distracted with his photograph, President Foley's attention was soon taken off the image and given to the secretary with her words.

"Hmm? Yes, what is it?" President Foley asked.

"The debate starts in 2 hours. We'll have to be leaving soon." The secretary said.


"Your debate with Ellis Robertson, sir. You're going on TV to debate him today."

"Oh, right, right. I'm sorry. I was... caught up in something. Right, just... take me to the limo."

The look of seriousness and melancholy on President Foley's face brought a look of confusion and surprise on the secretary's own, never recalling an instance when she had seen him appear in such a state. Having little insight into the president's personal business and less sway in his decisions, the matter is one she can do nothing about; she is only able to escort him to his transport as requested.

Though pressed back on matters of business once again, President Foley's mind is still not off of his friends yet, nor will they be until he can finally resolve the matter.

Danny Phantom has been born again, delivered by the hands of Vlad Masters. Separating his soul from his body in a desperate attempt to give an emotionally lost young man hope once again, Vlad's efforts were repaid by having his own ghost half torn from his body, which Danny Phantom had fused himself with to become a new being.

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