26 - sensual

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⚠️smut warning for this chapter⚠️

'Class dismissed!'  The teacher shouted.
'That class was such a drag!'  Hoseok said as you both walked out together.
'Wasnt it though'  You groaned.
You both walked out of the main entrance and waited for the boys and Imogen. It was the end of the day finally and that meant only one thing, Yoongi's house.

Finally, one by one they all started to come out.
'I hate that dumbass!'  Jimin shouted typically as he strutted out the doors.
'Same teacher?'  You giggled
'YES'  He said, slumping down on the ground.

'Has anyone got the notes for the math homework..?'  Taehyung said, rubbing his eyes.
'Did you fall asleep again?'  You asked.
He nodded his head and sat down next to Jimin.

'I could really go for some of that ramen we all had the other day'  Jin said.
'The store on the corner has it half price!'  You chuckled.
'Oh my god I need to get it NOW'  Jin said, sprinting towards the shop.

'I broke another door..'  Namjoon said.
'Another one?!'  You all said.
'Well, its kind of just hanging off the hinges..?'  He said.
'Youre too clumsy Namjoon..'  you sighed.

'Oh my gosh guys look at this cute little dog reel!'  Jungkook shouted, running at you all.
'God save it for Imogen!'  You laughed.

'My science teacher tried to keep me back for a ten minute detention!'  Imogen groaned as she stormed out the door to you all.
'Immy, I think he successfully made you stay, its been ten minutes'  you giggled.

'Who are we waiting for now?'  Jimin sighed as he laid down on the floor.
'Just Yoongi I think'  Jin said as he slurped his noodles.
'Somebody text him or we are gonna miss basketball'  Namjoon said.
You grabbed your phone and realised he sent you a chat about ten minutes ago.

'Oh, he is at home right now..'  You read.
'Home? Why?'  Jungkook asked.
'He got sent home, I just asked him why.. Oh he responded!'
Everyone stared at you intensely as you read his reply.
You scoffed 'he got himself sent home because he didn't study for an english quiz'.
Everyone started sighing and complaining.

'He is still coming to basketball though, so you guys can just bully him there'  You giggled.
'We will, cant believe that!'  Taehyung said.
You all walked to the basketball courts, laughing about how the boys were gonna attack Yoongi for abandoning you all. Finally, you arrived and Yoongi was stood up, leaning by the entrance to the courts.

Without warning, the boys all started screaming and ran straight towards to Yoongi. They immediately jumped on him and started rough housing about with him, which was just typical for them. Eventually they all simmered down and ran onto the courts and came back out in their basketball uniform.

You and Immy just watched them play as usual.
'Your hubby is really dumb'  She giggled as she drew in her notepad.
'Isnt he!'  You giggled.
'I cant believe the boys were so mad about him picking up and going'  She said.
'Neither, but I dont think they care anymore'  You chuckled.
Finally they finished and when Jungkook and Immy went together, Yoongi came up to you.

Instantly, you felt hazed as Yoongi stood infront of you, hair all messy and his arms just bulging in his uniform.
'Like what you see, boo?'  He smirked.
'AAGH- what?!'  You shouted, breaking from your trance.
'You still wanna come to mine?'  He asked.
'OF COURSE- yeah, yes i do!'  You said, immediately stopping yourself.

He giggled and wrapped his arm around you.
'How come you always get so excited coming to mine?'  He laughed.
'Oh wow, the sky is so beautiful!'  You stuttered, trying to avoid the question.
'Oh come on, I dont care, I get excited for you to come too'  He said.
'Okay fine, I don't know, I just love it sm!'  You squealed.
'I can tell'  He giggled.

You both reached his house and you ran up the stairs before he could even take his shoes off. You jumped into his bed and soaked up the smell of him and his cologne on the sheets. You were so lost you didnt even realise he was standing over you, laughing. He jumped in with you and you both snuggled up underneath the covers.

'Are your parents still away on business?'  You asked.
'No, they are back, but since I'm the right age, they let me keep the place for myself'  Yoongi said.
'Thats so cool!'  You said.
'Exactly, so we can do whatever we want'  He said.
You looked at him and he had that look in his eyes just like all the other times.

Immediately, he sat on top of you, his legs straddling you. You felt your face burn up immediately and your whole body pulsating as he stared deeply into your eyes. You felt his lips fiercely smother yours and your stomach felt like dynamite had exploded in it. You ran your fingertips through his soft hair, pulling him closer towards you. After wriggling out from underneath him, you threw your arms around him and collided your body into his. He let out a deep chuckle and he bit down onto your lip. His hands traced down to your waist and you shuddered when you felt him crash his waist into yours. Suddenly, he flipped you over onto your stomach and he laid ontop of you, playing with your hair as he kissed the back of your neck, going down to your back. He continued moving down until he reached to your lower back. You felt him pull down your skirt and kiss around your hips, you melted at the sensation. You could feel your, yk what, pulsating as he got lower and lower, but he stopped.

'Well?' Yoongi breathed.
'What?' You asked, panting from the arousal.
'Can I?' He asked.
'Can you what?' You said, sitting up.
Yoongi looked at you and then at your legs and immediately you knew what he wanted. Smirking, you spread your legs open to reveal the laced red thong you had on. He immediately smirked and slowly pulled it down bringing it down to your ankles. You braced yourself and before you knew it, you had entered heaven down there. His hands were intensely running up and down your inner thighs as he pleased you with his irresistible tongue. Your heart pounded as he licked the hooded part of your vagina and you immediately moaned as he started sucking the clit. You gripped onto his chocolate hair and massaged his scalp, which made him go ten times faster. The whole time he was in there, you felt hot and fuzzy as you got stimulated by him, internally begging for more.

Eventually, he looked up and his cheeks were red and he smirked at you, panting as he licked his lips slowly. You pulled up your thong and pulled down your skirt as you wiped sweat away from your forehead. You flopped down on the bed and savoured the last few butterflies as they pounded around in your entire body. Your legs were shaking from the adrelanine of what just happened and you loved it. He crawled next to you and you both just cuddled up in eachother's arms.
'How was that, boo?' Yoongi asked, kissing you on the forehead.
'It was just fucking amazing' You said, still trying to put your words together.
'I knew you would like it' He giggled as he played with your hair. 'I love you, Y/N'
'I love you too, Yoongi' You said as you laid ontop of him.

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