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(Exter POV)

It's been a month since I've been gone from Reapertale and I told error about what I did on the phone and he didn't seem to mind that I was adventuring to random au's, though what he did mind was the fact that I could probably find him now since I can travel through portals on my own without help. Smiling at the starry sky, I couldn't help but think of error's last words before he hung up. "Try finding where I live and see what happens."

Now you see, usually I would be like 'okay I won't find you then' but for some reason I felt determined to find him because in my mind it felt like he was challenging me to some hide and seek where I'm the 'seeker' and he's the 'hider'. And so like the smart skeleton I am... I planned to find where error was. Now you see some may say why don't you just try teleporting to error's anti-void? The thing is I don't exactly know where that is, I mean it's literally a pure white hell.

I mean if I were to randomly teleport into a place with just white, I'm probably gonna end up in a asylum, cross's blank au, or Ink's doodle sphere. Though, if I am lucky I may end up in error's anti-void... But by doing so it would be risky in itself since I may not end up near error or he may not even be home and I would just be left wandering pointlessly until I magically find him somehow and then get scolded for being an idiot or something along the lines by error.

Sighing, I stare at a shooting star that passes by while silently wishing for some good luck on finding error. Who knows, if I get lucky enough error may just end up coming to me instead! That would definitely save me a lot of time that's for sure. While still staring at the stars I sense a presence behind me, a presence that I have become familiar with. "Hello outer, do you need something?" I ask while swinging my legs off the cliff that leads into the Void where it's said that the ones that fall in never come back out of there since their codes are ripped apart and erased out of existence. It's sad really.

'I never seen anyone fall into the Void and I don't think I ever want to see anyone fall in there anyways nor do I wish such a thing on anyone.' I thought before focusing my attention to outer who started speaking. "I just came to see what you were doing after helping papyrus with his puzzles." Outer said casually with his usual relaxed happy grin, though if one were to look closer they would see that the grin was slightly strained.

"I see...are you okay outer? You seem kinda 'spaced' out." I ask half jokingly and half concerned, while now standing and looking in outer's direction. "I'm fine, just curious about something." Outer replies while now locking eye lights with me. "Your leaving soon aren't you?" Outer asks, though it felt more like he was stating it. "Yeah, I'm planning on finding a friend of mine." I respond while adjusting my scarf, trying to avoid eye contact with outer who seemed to give me a slightly sad look. "Will you visit whenever you get the time to? Papyrus, the kid, and I would love the company." Outer asks with a hopeful glint in his eye lights. "Of course I'll visit! How could I not? After all you guys remind me of- of... Some others I used to know." I said cheerily, though I faltered at the end when a memory of my papyrus and the rest of my au flashed by in my mind.

'i miss them.' is what I thought before focusing my attention on outer who gave me an understanding look. "I'm guessing you miss these others very much huh?" Outer said, a look of sympathy in his eye lights. "How could I not miss them?" I say while giving outer a weak smile. "It's strange, out of all times I finally think of them now. Is it bad that I haven't thought of them for awhile?" I ask while looking at outer. "Well, while it is good to keep your loved ones and friends close in your memories... It's not always good. Sometimes you have to let go of those memories because those memories can sometimes end up doing more harm to you then good." Outer say's while his grin seemed to tighten as he seemed to be remembering something unpleasant.

"Oh." Is all I say before turning back to the starry night sky. "Hey outer?" I quietly ask while listening as outer's foot steps approach closer. "Yes?" Outer asks while now standing beside me. "Thanks." I say while turning to outer with a smile, a genuine smile. "For what? I don't think I did much to deserve a thanks?" Outer asks with a confused look. "For being my friend." I say while watching as outer's expression changes from surprise to a happy relaxed look. "No need to thank me. I'm happy to be your friend." Outer says with a small smile on his face, turning to look as the stars gleamed around us.

Looking towards the stars, I continue to smile while standing in the peaceful silence that surrounded us. Oh, If only this could last forever...

Have a good day and night!

I'll update reborn as ink sans... but different, by either tomorrow or so!


Exter is really determined to find error.

Exter wonders what would happen if he ate poison. Would he die? But he can't die- so would he puke then?

Exter's idea to drink poison is becoming stronger by the minute.

Exter feels bad for forgetting his old au.

Exter misses his papyrus.

Outer feels sad that Exter is leaving but knows he can't always be here.

Error feels a chill go down his spine as he looks around in his anti-void. He feels that a nuisance may appear soon...

I'm reborn as geno but...Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora