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the year 2030

Hello, I'm Ekim Güleryüz. I'm 17 years old. I am an angel. My father is a god and my mother is a human. I am the result of a great love. I hide what I am from everyone. If someone finds out about my existence, they won't go to kill me. I don't have powers, but for now. Since I am half human, it will appear after a certain time. That's why I don't travel much alone. My dear friends are always with me. Orjinal, Bekir and Ayşe. An Orjinal alpha werewolf, Ayşe the banshee and Bekir a beta werewolf. There is a school for the likes of us, we all go there. There are special teachers who train us to control our powers and stay calm. There are many supernatural creatures like us in our school. There are even hybrids. I am my only angel. I'm living alone at home. My father took my mother to his world. I call them when I need help. Sometimes they surprise themselves.

While I was fixing my hair in front of the mirror, I immediately collected it with the notification on my phone. Of course the message was from the Orjinal.

Orjinal : Are you ready honey? I am coming to take you
Me : am ready. I'm going down now.
I grabbed my bag and ran down the stairs. When I opened the door, I saw the Orjinal leaning against his car and looking at me.
Ekim: You're Fast
Orjinal: always
I smiled, kissed his cheek and got in the car.
Ekim: Where is Ayşe?
Orjinal: She came out early, she had a job.
I turned and looked at the road without saying anything.
When I got to school, I immediately got out of the car. When I looked at the schoolyard, I saw vampires standing there in groups, as usual. The Orjinal took my hand with a quick glance at them and entered the school with me. He hated vampires. I didn't like it much either, but I think there are some good ones among them. I went to my locker and got my books. I let out a small scream as someone behind me closed my eyes.

Ayşe: Don't shout, my girl (laughs)
Ekim: You've finally arrived. Where did you go?
Ayşe: We were buying a few things with my mother. She didn't want to go without me.
Ekim: Hmm... let's go to class
We took my magic sphere from the cupboard and went to class with Ayşe. The lesson went well. We had learned new things about telekenize. Since I don't have powers, I use a magic sphere. After the lesson was over, we met with Orjinal in the garden of the school.
Ayşe: Is Bekir okay?
Orjinal: Conversion complete. It will be fine my little beta (laughs). let's go home

We got in the car. First they dropped me home. I got out of the car and kissed them. After they left, I started walking towards the house. A strange feeling began to form inside me. It was like someone was watching me. When I turned around, I couldn't see anything. I quickly opened the door and entered the house. I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself. I took one last look through the window and couldn't see anything, so I pulled the curtain and went to my room. I was completely unaware of that person watching me.

Year 1870
I took a handkerchief out of my pocket and handed it to Hazala.
Kanat: Wipe your face come on
Hazal: Thank you
I poured liquor on the corpses lying on the ground, lit the fire and threw it at him.
Hazal: We have to get out of here. Now we have to live elsewhere. We'll find other people to feed you.

We cleaned up and started walking away. I was calm at last. This taste for blood heals me. I was no longer as sensitive as before. Killing is a normal thing for me now. Yes, I'm a vampire and I'm starting to like it now. I'm immortal, I'm strong, I can get anything I want. But there is someone who protects my humanity. Someone to whom my soul, my body is attached... a woman. My soulmate. But I don't know who you are. I don't even know of its existence. We are constantly looking for her with my cousin Hazal. She is a witch. She's too strong, sometimes even stronger than me.. I can't touch any woman because I see her all the time. I even feel your blurred face, your hands, your touches to me. It's all happening in my brain. It's not on my mind. I fell in love with someone I didn't know.
Hazal: Do you think about her?
Kanat : Ah... well yes
Hazal: I'm sure you will find it one day.

I turned away without saying a word. We had arrived at our new home. I was running towards the house with a smile.

Year 2030

I put the necklace I was holding in my hand in its box and started making the other one. For years, I used to buy the most beautiful stones I found and make necklaces and rings from them. It was all for him. It's been on my mind lately. Every time I closed my eyes, I couldn't help but think of him. God... I closed my eyes again and started thinking about him. When I see her, I will kiss her lips without stopping
Hazal: Do you hear Kanat Heyy!!
Kanat: Ohh.. What happened to Hazal?
Hazal: Your head is gone again. I'm bored, let's go out.
Kanat : This is the last necklace Hazal I have to finish it
Hazal: No, get up. The necklace is not going anywhere or your lover. Your absent lover ehehee
Kanat: Pff Hazal okay whatever you want.
Hazal: Finally! (leaving the room laughing)

I get up and put the necklace aside. When I want to leave the room, I stop with the notification sound on my phone and pick up the phone from the top of my bed. Got a message from unknown number

X: I'll give you whoever you want. But I want you to do something for us.
Kanat: Who are you? Who are you talking about?
X: I'm talking about soul mate :)

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