4. Unfortunate Luck

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There are too many people to see him anywhere, I push my nerves aside, and start walking towards the strain station.

-WARNING- the following may be triggering, if so please skip until you see a long line-

"Shh," I hear whispered in my ear. I turn to look, and see a man in his maybe late 20s. "What?" I hesitate.

I'm surrounded by people, I should be fine, right? The man grabs my arm, tugging me towards a secluded street. "Get your hand-," I'm cut off by his hand over my mouth. "Nobody will listen, you're surrounded by my men anyways," he laughs.

Allen, where are you?

I feel a pressure on my back, and realize he's pushing a gun into my flesh, "Stay quiet, and smile pretty," the guy orders, tightening his grip on my arm.

Three men surround me, all walking me down a path, with buildings lined up on the sides, and the ground neatly aligned in bricks.

Oh my god, this is it, Allen is nowhere to be found, I'm in a sketchy alley street, nobody is even near me, this is where I die. "Please, just let me go, I'll stay silent, I wont say anything!"

They all look at each other and laugh, not saying a word back, dragging me into a courtyard, they try pulling me into a door, I resist, one of them slaps my face, and kicks my shin. I fall back on my butt, pain streaking through my tailbone. I feel my cheek becoming warm, and electrically numb.

"Get away from me!" I shout, scrambling to get to my feet. "You're not going anywhere," another guy chuckles, bending to clasp his hand around my neck.



We've been getting more shipments lately, this has been my 4th time coming out to Arten. I've been ordered to get them from incoming ships, with a crew I'm authorized to command.

It's a new addition to what my usual duties are, but I don't mind, considering I get a break from the excruciatingly tiresome and uneventful schedule.

Interrupting my thoughts, as a I walk down the now familiar street, I hear what sounds like a fight. It's faint, and muffled, however, I hear a woman's voice. "Don't touch me, I'm not going in there!" she shouts, choking on the last of her sentence.

I hear her, but I don't see her, I start jogging down the street, making a shortcut through a little space in between two brick buildings. I follow her voice, going through an open entrance. I'm now in a courtyard.

I then see four figures in a dim light, as I get closer, I see three men trying to drag a black haired woman by her hair through a doorframe. "Let me go!" she sobs.

With no hesitation, I walk up to them, "let her go," I command with a cold and unwavering voice.

"This guy thinks he's tough shit," a brunette guy laughs. I grab his hand, twisting it, and pulling it backwards until I hear a crack, letting her hair slip through his hands. He cries in pain, lifting his gun to my abdomen with his other hand. I kick him just in time, grabbing the gun and throwing it to the side.

A man taller than me, throws a punch towards my face, shifting to the side just in time, I dodge it. I grab his arm midair with both hands, and push his arm up, breaking his arm.

The 3rd cocky idiot, grabs me from behind, putting me into a headlock. I bend forward, grab at his arms around my neck, twisting to the side, and pulling him back towards me with threatening force, I knock him in the temple with my elbow, leaving him unconscious.

I turn around ready to repeat the same to these featherbrained morons. But they're already gone.

I shift my glance to the woman, she's already running away. I start to run after her, but instead I'm interrupted by a call.

I answer it with one tap to my earpiece.

"Yes?" I question.

"Sir, we've got a problem, someone docked at our shipments, and we don't know who's boat it is," I hear through the earpiece.

Shit, Liam won't be happy about this.

"I'm on my way, sorry for the wait, a small inconvenience happened."

"It's alright, Mr. Norman."



Thank you, to the dark brown haired man, with unnatural talents to break peoples limbs, I will forever be grateful.

I run towards a building, and through a small crack between the walls. As always my luck is extraordinarily unfortunate. I'm smacked in the face with a spine-chilling scene.


I focus on a man standing under a open roof held with pillars. The man stands with striking golden blonde hair, his hostile blue eyes staring straight into a pleading man's soul. His glove covered hand holds a dagger to a throat, but his dimples show me a cold and nerve-wracking smile.

There are two bodies drenched in their own blood, spilling out and into the cracks of the brick floor. Blood covers the blonde man, and bruises cover the soul kneeled before him.

If I don't get out of here, I'll be gone for sure. I tiptoe past him, but he seems to know I'm already there. With one swift motion he flicks the blade across the kneeling man's throat. The man falls forward with a thump, while blood spills out from his neck creating a pond. The psychopath's new mission already decided, he runs at me. I run up a wooden, and unstable staircase, hoping it would break when he steps on it.

With no luck of my wishes, he catches up to me, grabbing out for my hair, and pulling on my already sore head. I cry out in pain, immediately holding my head.

The lunatic, brings me up the rest of the few steps left, and pushes me against a wall with little impact, caging me in.

He brings his dagger to my throat. I gulp, hoping miraculously, brunette boy would show up like a god again. I close my eyes, accepting it with a throbbing headache.

Nothing happens, but I still keep my eyes squeezed shut. "Look at me," he commands sharply. I gulp, and open my eyes hoping no tears fall.

He asks me a question I don't expect, especially from his mouth, "Why are you covered in bruises?" "What?" I freeze.

"I don't repeat things, answer me," he stares coldly into my eyes.

I hesitate, finally giving in, "I was kidnapped... by a few guys." His jaw ticks, and I see throbbing and exploding anger flash through his eyes while he lets go of me, putting his dagger in his sheath, and finally backing up a step.

"Your name?" He questioned, clearing his throat. "Rhea, yours?" I ask, hoping to distract him.

"Elijah. Elijah Anton."


Hey! It's hc, sorry for the tense scenes, however, this book will have more scenes like that, not completely similar, but considering the characters personalities, and roles they play, I would keep that in mind. If it's too much mentally, please do not read it.

But on the brighter side, the final two most important characters have been officially introduced to you guys.

How do we feel about them?

We will get more into these two characters, but that's all for this chapter, I hope you guys enjoyed! See you next chapter! :)


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