01 - friendship

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fourths pov

I love him. so much.

who? Gemini. he's so handsome, he's charming, protective, nice and just overall an amazing person. he probably doesn't know me as a friend, he just knows me as 'the loser from bio and math class'

I told my ex best friend, Prom, that I liked him and he was so confused when I told him I like him. and I don't know why. maybe cause he's painfully out of my league. let me go back a little. two years ago, to the first time he ever stood up for me.


"hey fourth!" I heard a voice behind me yell. I turned around and got a paper airplane in the face. I looked at the paper airplane and took it. I opened it and saw something written on it. 'LOSER!' it was written in big bold red letters. I looked up and saw Way, Pring and Phat laughing at me. I looked down and just turned around, getting back to my work.

then I heard another voice.

"what the hell, why'd you guys do that?" said the familiar voice. Gemini. he was in the same biology and maths class. we've never really talked as friends. just if we needed to lend eachother things. I usually copied off his maths homework. he usually asked for a pen. and it was just like that.

I looked back and saw him looking at them, then at me, then back at them. he took a piece of paper and wrote something on it, crumpling it up and throwing it at phat, who throwed the airplane at me. he then walked away. I looked at them. they looked at the paper and rolled their eyes, phat just looked a little bit offended. I smiled and looked towards the hallway, where Gemini was talking with some of his friends.

I looked back at my work, smiling to myself.


yep. that's basically it. I mean sure it wasn't a big deal. but I took it to heart. I'm so grateful for that time.


I woke up. Monday morning.

oh how I hate Mondays. they're the worst. waking up at 7am after two days of waking up at 12pm is hard. it's awful. I woke up to the sound of my loud, annoying alarm. I slapped my alarm clock and I dragged myself out of bed.

I looked around, it was almost like I wasn't home. this was awful. I went to my closet and took out the school uniform and a jacket. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I already took a shower yesterday before going to bed so I was all set. I went out and got changed. messing with my hair, I tried some styles but I didn't like any of them. so I just left my hair down. it looked like a mop on my head. it wasn't styled at all. it was down, covering half of my eyes. I could barely see but I didn't care.

I packed my bag, I didn't even bother to eat breakfast. I haven't been eating much for a few weeks, just once a day and not even a full meal. maybe just a small bowl of noodles. my mom acts like shes a bit concerned but it's not like she gives a shit. I think I'm just losing my appetite cause of school.

I put my shoes on and left.


I got to school. and once again, people looked at me. way, looked at me and burst out in laughter. he then grabbed my shoulder and stopped me, pulling me back. "I know you always look like shit but what's up with today? you look like you just came out of your mom's vagina. you look like a mess." he laughed and pushed me. Pring looking at me and also laughing. phat wasn't there. thank god.

I just tried to ignored them and walked away, looking down at my feet. I got to my biology class. and sat down. I was early so I just lied my head down on the desk, using my hands as a pillow.

I barely slept. I don't know why. I was reading my favourite book until two am and then I got tired. so I went to bed. but I couldn't sleep. I think I fell asleep at five of six am. but I'm not sure.

I drifted off, until I heard my name being called.

"Nattawat?!" the teacher said, looking directly at me. I jumped up and looked back at her. "yes, here." I said, tiredly. she just sighed and continued with the attendance.

I rested my cheek on my hand, and felt my eyes slowly closing again. I drifted off again.

I slowly fell, but I put my hands in the same position as before. making them a pillow. and I rested again.

I woke up when the bell rang. I looked around and saw everyone packing their bags. phat was there, staring at me and smirking, laughing with another student.

I just looked away from him and took my phone, looking at the time. it was 9am. I packed my bag and left. going to my next class. I was still really tired, but I didn't sleep cause I didn't want to miss out in the classes. I don't want my score to get lower than it is.


the bell rang. lunch time. it was 12:30. I was going to lunch, I looked around and saw everyone with food, which kinda made me sick. 'how can they eat this early in the day?' I asked myself. I just sighed and walked to the table that had only two seats. I always sat there. everyone knew I always sat there. nobody sat in that place cause they were too scared to catch the 'fourth disease' which is bullshit.

I sat down, at stared at my phone, seeing the time. 12:35. I put my phone down and rested my cheek on my hand. I just looked out the window, I looked at everyone walking around. I was confused on how they would want to go out on such an awful day. I kept looking. admiring the beautiful people walking by, looking at the dogs and cats chasing birds.

suddenly, I heard someone sit Infront of me. I looked over and saw him. Gemini.

"why don't you have any food?" he asked me. I just looked at him in shock. he looked confused, but he smiled. "why do you look so weirded out?" he asked. I looked down. "no it's nothing. it's just nobody really sits with me." I said. that was probably the most words I've said to another student all year. "why not?" he asked. as if he doesn't know. "cause I'm a loner."

"it's okay, I don't care about that. and you didn't answer. why aren't you eating?" he looked at my side of the table. "I'm just not hungry." "you aren't hungry everyday?" he looked at me. a bit confused. "I guess. I just don't like eating at school." I said and he nodded. "do you want some?" he offered me some of his sandwich. "no thanks." I said and he nodded. I smiled and looked away, then looked back at Gemini, who was still eating his ham sandwich.


chapter one yay. I don't know if this is good. it's basically just an au and stuff. but yeah!! hope u guys like it. bye bye

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