▪︎ 04

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And here we go again.

Speeches. Speeches had to be made again, of course.

Initiates. Stand up," Max began, allowing Ripley to see all the faces of the changers, and thus Peter's as well, looking up at the man on the railing, "You have decided to join the Warrior faction. Whose mission is to defend the city and its people. We believe strongly in the ideal of bravery and in the courage that drives people to stand up for others. Respect that and honor those values."

"Hear, hear," Ripley mockingly picked up her cup from the table, raised it just to shoulder height, and took a puffing sip, "Now it's too late."

But there was celebration. Clinking mugs and cheering could still be heard from below. For now. Not for long.

That joy would soon come to an end when it started.


The evening was still young, most residents thus still on the legs and this would not change in the coming hours.

Down here under the earth, there was no daylight, so it was at any time, equally bright or equally dark. It took a while until a person had become accustomed to it, alone for all those who had lived so far on the 'upper world' and could orient themselves to the sun.

Time thus became relative.

If there was no day, there was no night.

"Where are you going in such a hurry?", Ripley was intercepted by Eric as she walked through the corridors, not really possessing a destination, "I'm not even going to ask if I can help you, because you're going to say no anyway."

"Right, you seem to know me a little bit after all," Ripley countered with a smile, putting on a wide smile and crossing her arms in front of her chest before leaning her left shoulder against the wall, "What can I do for YOU?"

"Don't give me that Rip," Eric replied boredly, looking past her and lowering his head as he looked at her a moment later, "Let me guess. Your prince charming is surprisingly among the initiates? The question now is how long will this happiness last?"

"Come on, Eric," Ripley snorted, not wanting and even less needing this kind of argument, "Just because I said no earlier? It's not the first time and won't be the last time a girl will say no.... Why?"

"Why what?" asked Eric irritated, thanks to the sudden question he couldn't place.

"Why have you kept asking me for the past six months?", Ripley shrugged her shoulders, shaking her head before looking up at Eric, whose face was just a hand's width away from hers, "And more importantly, why would I say yes? Because so far you haven't given me a reason, not a single one, to say yes. Not even close."

Instead of answering, a meaningful smile settled on Eric's lips, who looked wordlessly at Ripley and backed away from before disappearing around the next turn.

Thank you. Thank you so much for that incredibly insightful explanation.


At this point, I'd love to read from you in the comments.

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