▪︎ 06

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Whatever it is or will be, screw you.

It took a moment for the bewilderment Ripley felt at that moment to turn to anger.

Whatever it is and whatever it will be, Peter Hayes can go fuck himself. Come what may. Gone. Over and done with.

Ripley had expected this kind of action, this kind of behavior from some people, but not from Peter Hayes. At least not towards her. And yet it had happened. Not even five minutes ago. It was that easy to be wrong about a person.

What a difference a year could make. What can happen and change in one year. What a person can become in one year.

After a labored swallow and the knowing nod that followed, Ripley turned and walked straight to her room, rummaging in the closet for a bottle, tossing it up and catching it again.

Although many things in the mine were quite close together, it took Ripley a good ten minutes to come to a stop. She slowly raised her hand, hesitated for a moment before doing so, knocked, and then put on a neutral to disinterested expression.

When she opened the door a little later, Ripley raised her hand with the bottle in it and looked straight into Eric's face without any emotion.

Don't make me regret this. Don't. It. Me. Just. Do not. Regret.


Morning came earlier than expected. As it often did.

Loud chatter in the hallway outside made Ripley blink. Gradually, the more awake she became, the last few hours came back and became more present.

The memories of last night and the hours that followed were confirmed once again with an arm resting on her back and a hand on her waist.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2023 ⏰

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