Chapter 39: Till Death Do Us Part...

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(DISCLAIMER: I have made up these wedding vows. I have no idea what a priest says so please bare with me :))


"Oh. My. God" Lucy whispers, staring at me, "You look absolutely beautiful." She adds, with tears in her eyes.

"So do you" I add. I was right. Her short hair was curled slightly, she was wearing a long, pale pink dress, showing off her tall figure. Her makeup was beautifully done to, of course.

"How are you feeling?" She adds.

"I'm fine" I lie. That was a total fucking lie. I wanted the ground to swallow me up. I take a deep breath. There was no way I could walk down that isle alone.

"Can you do me a favour and get me Ron?" I ask her.

She looks surprised. "Ron? Sure..."

After about two minutes, I hear a knock on the door. 

"Come in" I whisper. 

In comes Ron. He sort of looks the same as he always wears suits, but this suit looked more professional. I smile at him.

"You look lovely" He grunts, a bit awkwardly

My words come out a bit too fast. "Will you walk me down the isle?" I  ask. He looks a bit taken back. "I know your Ashton's best man but I couldn't imagine someone else doing it" I say, shyly.

For the second time in my life, he smiles, making me smile. "Sure" He grunts. I tell him thank you and he lets Lucy come back in.

"That was nice of you" She says to me, smiling. "I know he doesn't really show a lot of emotion but deep down, he would have felt really happy that you asked him." She adds. "Right, you're all done and you look fucking amazing. Lets get into the car..."


Shit. I'm starting to feel the nerves now. I stand outside of the church while every body goes in a puff on my tab. Jake comes over.

"Where the fuck is Ron" I hiss

"Errr, Rae's just asked him to walk her down the isle" he says

"Really?" I say shocked. But then I smile. That would mean a lot to Ron. But shit, now I have to stand up there alone.

"You better go in, I see her car coming" He further says.

I hurry inside and stand there. After about five minutes of standing there with every body staring at me, making me feel uncomfortable, the music starts. I jump a bit. Jesus, you thought they would have given me some warning...

That's when I see her and my heart stops. She's arm in arm with Ron and she's looking absolutely beautiful. Her dress hugs her stunning figure and her face is plastered with a huge smile. Her hair is shiny and golden and she just looks amazing. The sight of her makes my heart beat faster...


There he is, standing in front of me, and suddenly I don't feel nervous anymore. The only thing keeping me from running up the isle into his arms is Ron. When he looks at me, he give me a huge smile, which I mirror back. He looks perfect. When I finally reach him, Ron takes my hand and gives it to Ashtons. I lean up and kiss him on the cheek, a thank you gesture. He grunts and re arranges his glasses, making Ashton give a small laugh.

The music stops, and the priest comes forward.

"Do you, Ashton Massimo, take Rae McNaire, to be your lawfully wedded wife?" 

"I do" He says, smiling

"Do you promise to love her in sickness and in health? For richer for poorer? For as long as you shall both live?"

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